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Search results

  1. K


    Hi guys I have two dwarf lops. They are about 5 months old and they hardly ever seem to drink any water. Is this normal? Thanks Kate
  2. K

    Looking for bales of Hay or Straw in Manchester

    Hi there I have two outdoor rabbits called Polly and Coco. They are about 5 months old and they are dwarf lops. I am extending their run and I want to know where I can buy bales of hay or straw in Manchester? I heard that Bobtail pets do it but I have sent emails and called and there is no...
  3. K

    I'm new - from Manchester

    Hi there I have two outdoor rabbits called Polly and Coco. They are about 5 months old and they are dwarf lops. I am extending their run and I want to know where I can buy bales of hay or straw in Manchester? thank you Kate