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Search results

  1. beth27

    Are my 2 male rabbits bonded?

    Hi, There was a lot of fur flying and they were both on their sides kicking each other and biting. It's just so disappointing because it seemed they were really getting on all week, cuddling up, sleeping next to each other and both grooming each other.It's only tonight that it's turned nasty...
  2. beth27

    Are my 2 male rabbits bonded?

    Unfortunetly i've had to separate them tonight :( the fighting was non-stop. Back to the drawing board...
  3. beth27

    Are my 2 male rabbits bonded?

    Yes they were neutered soon as we could but have left it a long time before bonding them again. I think I may have spoken too soon as I am currrently breaking up their spats as we speak!! :(
  4. beth27

    Are my 2 male rabbits bonded?

    Thanks very much for your help, I will keep an eye on them, I'm hoping they will OK. They do seem a lot bouncier and happier then when they were on their own. Even if they fall out now and again! Thanks for getting back to me, Beth
  5. beth27

    Are my 2 male rabbits bonded?

    Hi there, I wonder if anyone can help me? Im just over a week into bonding my 2 male brother rabbit's (Merlin and Lion-o) back together having separated them at around 3 months old as they were obviously hitting puberty(!) and one wasn't having a very nice time being humped and chased non stop...
  6. beth27

    How long to wait to bond 2 previously seperated brother rabbits after neauturing

    Hi Thanks so much for your reply! The vet told me to start the bonding as soon as possible, but I will take your advice as you're a rabbit owner so trust your experience! Many thanks again! Beth
  7. beth27

    How long to wait to bond 2 previously seperated brother rabbits after neauturing

    Hi everyone! I would like some advice with regards to my 2 lovely buns. They are brothers that I had to separate a month ago due to them getting very aggressive with each other and fighting. They are both getting neutered tomorrow and I wonder when I should start the re-bonding process...
  8. beth27

    seperating 2 male brothers

    Hi I will use the snuggle safe again tonight. It wasn't particually viscious- no one was hurt but they were charging at each other and being very hostile, in the past they've had little spats but they would always forget straight after but they were just continiosuly chasing and one...
  9. beth27

    seperating 2 male brothers

    Hi RedFraggle Thanks for getting back to me. The bun (Lion-o) that's now outside does have quite long hair and it is pretty mild here in London (10 degrees) they didn't like the snugglesafe even when it was very cold. If they can't get neutered for another month do you think they will still be...
  10. beth27

    seperating 2 male brothers

    Hi there, I wonder if you could offer some advice. My 2 4month old male buns (brothers) have started humping each other and tonight it turned rather aggressive. They have lived indoors for the last 3weeks and wanted to keep it as sutch but due to lack of space and unable to seperate them in any...