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Search results

  1. BigBunnyBenji

    Bonded pair for rehoming

    Hello, I really feel awful about this but I have just been offered my dream job in an industry I've been trying over two years to get into. Unfortunately it means moving over 5 hours away and my new area is twice as expensive meaning the likelihood of me being able to afford somewhere with a...
  2. BigBunnyBenji

    Bonding query

    I just need some bonding vibes because I'm not very experienced with it really! I got my new rescue rabbit Madge yesterday and her and Rupert are living side by side, well he free ranges a lot but he can see her whenever he goes into the garage. They have had face to face contact through the...
  3. BigBunnyBenji

    It's the little things..

    Today, Rupert actually requested nose rubs without being prompted! He isn't a shy bun at all and he does enjoy being stroked, but normally it's me that initiates stroking him and then he decides he likes it and will sit for a while. But today, I was brushing up a bit of hay near him, and he...
  4. BigBunnyBenji

    How to insulate & bedroom ideas

    :wave: It's getting to that time of year again where it's pretty chilly! :roll: Last year, winter was so mild that I didn't need to insulate the shed. The bowl of water didn't freeze over once, so I took that as a sign that it can't have been TOO cold in there. My shed is an overlap, so there...
  5. BigBunnyBenji

    Could you say no to this...

    This is Rupert's party trick. He is an outdoor bunny, yet he has a fascination with coming indoors. And in order to get inside, he will sit by the back door like this, until someone lets him in. :lol: I know this is periscoping, but Rupert does it literally everytime he wants to be let in...
  6. BigBunnyBenji

    Are we allowed to talk about Preloved?

    I've just been on and seen that there are two rabbits being kept in a tiny hutches, with no run and wood shavings. :( They are in Blackpool. Just wondered if anyone could help, and I can send you the link.
  7. BigBunnyBenji

    What hay do you use?

    Currently, I give my bunnies just a normal meadow hay and Excel dandelion herbage (http://www.pet-supermarket.co.uk/prodimg/CN33002_1_Zoom.jpg), which I think is timothy hay with extras. My bunnies aren't big hay eaters, I'm just wondering if there is anything else I can try to get them to eat...
  8. BigBunnyBenji

    Rupert and April (Happy times)

    I haven't posted any photos of Rupert and April in about a million years, and I feel a bit mean! They deserve some love. :D Rupert licking Steven's pants. No idea why. :lol: And finally.. a hilarious photo of Rupert chasing the cat, and somehow April got involved. :lol:
  9. BigBunnyBenji

    Do rabbits just binky with their head?

    I have noticed that Rupert quite often will start throwing his head around, like he would in a binky, but without the jumping and running around. Usually he does it if I've tried to catch him or if I've done something that he doesn't like (like try to pick him up)! Is this normal? :shock:
  10. BigBunnyBenji

    My bunny is so spoilt that... (POST YOUR OWN)

    We obviously all love our bunnies, so I thought it would be nice to hear how spoilt some of our bunnies are! Photos are welcome too! I'll go first.. My bunnies are so spoilt.. that they get two types of hay so they can pick which they fancy! Grey bowl = (Very expensive :evil:) Excel timothy...
  11. BigBunnyBenji

    Do bunnies moult in winter?

    This may sound like a stupid question, but I keep finding little clumps of fur from April in the shed. I can't see any marks on her where it would be Rupert pulling it out and she doesn't look patchy or like she has fur missing. It's only her fur I find though, never Rupert's. I thought...
  12. BigBunnyBenji

    Daisy is gone...

    I've just come home and found Daisy dead... :cry: There were no signs, she was eating, pooping and peeing. Even binkying. My beautiful big girl. I only had her for 2 months but already I loved her so much. She knew she was loved. I hope there was no pain. I need to know it was nothing I...
  13. BigBunnyBenji

    Happy Christmas from Daisy!!

  14. BigBunnyBenji

    Feeling a bit deflated!

    I have had Daisy for almost 4 weeks now and she still hasn't been neutered. I am unable to carry her because I had my operation recently, and let's face it, she's a big girl, which means I'm reliant on my OH to take her, and he has been working every day lately. :( I really wanted to get on...
  15. BigBunnyBenji

    Bunny Mansion 2.0!

    So, me and the OH and my family have been working on this for the past 3 days, and thanks to a lot of hard work, mainly down to my grandad, it is complete! Introducing, bunny mansion 2.0.. Main house and the east wing (featuring Rupert): West wing in the garage West Wing Part 1. West...
  16. BigBunnyBenji

    A big surprise for you all!

    So, I decided to keep this a secret until I knew what was really going on, but we have a new rabbit... :D Meet Daisy! :love: As you can see, she is a conti and she is massive!! She's about 1 year 2 months old. :) She's living inside for two weeks while she is neutered and...
  17. BigBunnyBenji

    Unappreciative rabbits!

    My two bunnies can free range pretty much all day, so they get their fill of fibre through eating grass. When it comes to night time and they go to bed, I notice that they barely touch their hay. It was just some normal supermarket hay. So, as a treat, I bought them some super expensive Excel...
  18. BigBunnyBenji


    I really don't understand runarounds! I want to get one to connect my run on the grass to the new shed I'm ordering, but I don't understand how to use them, what to order from the three categories on the website. I don't know whether I want a connection kit, single door or bridge link because...
  19. BigBunnyBenji

    Cheap sheds?

    Does anyone know any good places/sites to get sheds from? :wave: We are hoping to get a new one, our 4 x 4 cost us £150, so I'd expect a bigger one to be more. Any advice appreciated!
  20. BigBunnyBenji

    Are trios a good idea?

    Pretty self explanatory thread title. :lol: I'm not *seriously* considering a trio, as the OH is yet to be convinced, but I'd love a third rabbit to bond with Rupert and April. I'd love to hear about any good/bad experiences with trios. Is it bad to consider a trio if the two rabbits you have...