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Search results

  1. C

    Just saying hi!

    Thanks both of you :? I only got mopsie about 8 months ago, I went to pets at home for supplies and she bounded to the front of the adoption cage to look at me, with a sign next to her cage saying her owners didn't want her any more. I couldn't resist her pleading eyes! The sad thing is, she is...
  2. C

    Can someone bond my rabbit for me?

    I think some rescues let you do bunny speed dating don't they? So you can find the best potential partner for your bunny. Then you could give it a go yourself? It is such a revealing, satisfying process, you learn a lot about the different personalities of your bunnies as you go along. The are...
  3. C

    Just saying hi!

    Hi I thought I should introduce myself as I have posted in the health section. A month ago I was very happy to have 3 very happy, binkying bunnies. Now I have only one bunny, and she is very poorly. I am ashamed to say my bunnies weren't vaccinated against myxomatosis, so when an outbreak hit...
  4. C

    How long does myxomatosis continue to get worse for? I really need some advice please

    My poor little mopsie has got myxomatosis. Both of my other rabbits have been put to sleep in the last few weeks, but she had the vaccination about a week before she began showing symptoms, so the vet thinks she may have some immunity. She was also a rescue bunny, so unsure of past vaccinations...