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Search results

  1. D

    Rabbit ageing metric

    Trying to come up with a metric for ageing my rabbits, so far I've been using: Domestic rabbit maximum likely age = 12yrs Human maximum likely age (my guess) = 100yrs Human equivalent age = 100 / 12 X (Rabbit age) = 8.333 X (Rabbit age) However a quick search on the Internet reveals that...
  2. D

    Baby leaf pea shoots

    Are baby leaf pea shoots OK for bunnies? Haven't seen these in the supermarket before but my local has small bags of 50g.
  3. D

    Both rabbits "bloated" abdomen at + 3 weeks.

    Both my house rabbits have abdomens that do not feel soft, not hard but there is definitely tension. Some facts: # Been like this for + 3 weeks. # Symptom much more significant in the larger female rabbit - seems to be getting worse. # Belly of female rabbit feels heavy. # Female rabbit seems in...
  4. D

    Too much dandelion cause blood in urine?

    Hi there I was planning on giving a handful of dandelion leaves a day to my two rabbits. Someone mentioned that too much dandelion leaves can cause digestion problems including blood in urine and so they should be given sparingly, e.g. just a few leaves each feeding! Is this true?
  5. D

    Source of dandelion leaves in SW London?

    Does anyone know an open space in S or SW London that isn't sprayed by chemicals by the council and where I can pick dandelion leaves for my bunnies?
  6. D

    Bunny daily veg menu ideas for summer

    I'm having increasing difficulty finding green leaves (aka spring greens) as they seem to be out of season, and cabbages aren't as green as they are in winter! So I need something to replace green leaves (and perhaps cabbages), any suggestions? Below is a typical monthly vegetable menu for my...
  7. D

    Bunny got wacked in the face by run lid

    About a week ago I was bringing my rabbits in from the garden run and foolishly lost concentration for an instant and lifted one of the lids to the run from the middle rather than the side, this caused the lid to swing into the hutch as I lifted it, and the side edge caught one of my rabbits...
  8. D

    Bunnies got to a packet of crackers - please advise

    Went to check on my bunnies before bedtime and saw that they somehow pulled a bag to the floor and found a packet of crackers! They ripped open the packaging and munched through about 8 to 10 crackers! I understand that crackers are bad for their digestion, what are the risks and what should I...
  9. D

    Please help me to find out which of my garden plants and weeds are poisonous?

    Other than one plant called Creeping Blue Blossom (aka Ceanothus Thyrsiflorus Var Repens) - anyone know more about this? I don't know what the other things in my garden are. Below are some photos and I'd appreciate if anyone can help me out naming them and determining if they're plants, weeds...