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Search results

  1. S

    Wallpaper noms

    Hi all. I have been having some troubles with my two bunnies lately. At their last vet check the vet said they were a little overweight, so we started giving them a slightly reduced feed (1 1/2 scoops of pellets 2x daily, plus unlimited hay, rather than 2 scoops 2x daily). It seemed to be going...
  2. S

    Bonding two males

    I made a post the other day about bonding Charlie and Trixie. Well, I took Trixie in for her spay today only to discover... Trixie is a he! Does this change anything with bonding? Anyone have experience bonding two neutered males?
  3. S

    Bonding advice needed - seems to be going well?

    Hi there, I've recently been attempting to bond my 2 year old mini lop buck Charlie (who is very large for his breed) with a 4 month old dwarf lop doe Trixie (who is much smaller than he is). Trixie is new to the household, and she is quite skittish and nervous - she also has slightly torn ears...