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Search results

  1. Lillypad

    Plastic Housing

    Hello everyone :wave: I currently have 5 ex-battery hens who are getting on a bit and sadly wont be around for much longer, I've decided to take a break from chicken keeping after this and use their enclosure for two bunnies. My chickens have this plastic shed as a coop: It's about 3.5ft x...
  2. Lillypad

    Really need some help with housing, please!

    Hello :wave: I've not posted in a while, but I'd really love some opinions, please! So, whilst visiting our local petshop I've noticed that there is a bunny in there that is for adoption (not for sale). She's a small-medium bun. She always bounces over to see me and seems so so lovely :love: I...
  3. Lillypad

    Trying to make the housing plans perfect!

    Hello everyone, I hope you're having a wonderful day! :wave: So I'm a while off getting some buns but I'm still planning their accommodation and would love some advice on making it perfect. As their run well be about 100sqft I would like to raise their playhouse so it's not taking up any floor...
  4. Lillypad

    Housing large rabbits

    Hello :wave: 1. How much space would two large rabbits need? (let's use German Lops for an example) Would a 60-70sqft, with raised playhouse (so it's not taking up floor space) and about 25-35sqft of space from extra levels be enough? (I'd like to be more than enough rather than only just...
  5. Lillypad

    What do you think would happen?

    Hello :wave: I'm not ready for my rabbits yet by any means, but I'm just asking this out of curiosity. Our local pet shop (I'm not a fan of pet shops that sell animals, but these guys do know their stuff and they always get the buns and pigs out to play and have a stroke, they're always...
  6. Lillypad

    Getting myself all confused :(

    Please could someone help me, I keep reading contradicting info and just getting myself in a muddle! So firstly, Hay. Should rabbits have an unlimited amount of hay at all times or a pile of hay that is the same size as them given in the morning? Secondly, Food. Should rabbits be given...
  7. Lillypad

    Few more questions about housing!

    Hello again:wave: I think I will be buying a "playhouse" for some buns. Do rabbits go to their hutch/shed/home naturally on a night? (like chickens do?) I've had two out door rabbits that had free run of the garden, but we put them away on an evening as we didn't like them having access to the...
  8. Lillypad

    Run flooring

    Hello everyone, I've just joined :D I have owned rabbits before, but I have a few questions about building a fixed run. I own 7 ex-battery hens, they have a fixed walk-in run which is about 110sqft. I'm wanting to rehome two bunnies from the RSPCA. 1. I'm going to put an extension on the...