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Search results

  1. kymclayton

    Help..Poorly Bunny!

    Hello, I am wondering if any of you can help! Crunchie has a history of gut problems and I can usually deal with this at home with oral metoclopramide, however last Sunday she became really bad, stomach pressing, not eating, drinking or pooping. Would not come out of her cage. So I took her...
  2. kymclayton

    False Pregnancy??

    Hello, I am worried about my bunny Crunchie. She woke me up during the night gathering lots of hay in her mouth. I didn't think anything of it, took it out because I thought it was stuck! When I got up this morning I found her doing the same thing, and lots of pulled fur in her cage! I googled...
  3. kymclayton

    Bunny's got matted fur

    Hello Guys, Was stroking my double maned lion head today, and noticed she has a mat that's about 0.5cm. Right next to her nose, and has her whiskers caught up in it. I have read that whiskers are really sensitive, and really do not want to cut them off (only to get the mat out) if there is a...
  4. kymclayton

    Indoor rabbit cage

    Hello, I have a 17 month old double mained lion head. She is an indoor rabbit, and only goes into her cage when I'm out of the house for long periods of time. (Uni or work) I am just wondering how good sawdust is, and if there is anything else I can use in replacement?? I currently cover...
  5. kymclayton

    Bunny destroying wall!!! HELP!

    Hello Guys, My 13 month old double maned lionhead has found an interest in one of the corners of the walls in our bedroom....she has taken the paper off and now is going through to the actual wall! I have tried everything I can think of to stop her doing it, besides locking her up and not...
  6. kymclayton

    GI Stasis - poorly rabbit - PLEASE HELP!

    Hey Guys, I have a 13 month old, double maned Lionhead. Her name is Crunchie and she is the most amazing rabbit. On Tuesday night I noticed that she hadn't eaten or drunk anything, nor had she pooed or weed. Her behaviour had changed, she was no longer running about the house, or doing her...