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Search results

  1. F

    RSPCA ought to know...

    Was recently at a local RSPCA centre adopting a cat. Whilst waiting to do the paper work I overheard a conversation between the centre manager and a lady wanting to adopt a bun... To cut a long story short the lady didn't have any proof of the size of hutch she had and so credit to the centre...
  2. F

    Finally some nice weather...

    Been waiting soooo long to get out the summer set up!!! Here's a pic of what I've just set out for daytime use. They are going to be almost as excited as me! It looks tiny in the photo but its at least 8m long so they should be able to get some speed up.:). Just hot to work out how to get them...
  3. F

    Grumpy doe

    Hi, posted yesterday about my doe moving hay into her bedding area. Today she is being extra stroppy (always fairly standoff-ish and easily offended) grunting at Freddie and chasing him off whenever I take them a treat. She was spayed last spring when she was 4 months old and Freddie was...
  4. F

    Why's she doing this?

    I have a 1 yr old pair of mini Rex, girl and a boy both fixed. Today the doe has spent hours getting huge mouthfuls of hay and transferring it from one end of the hutch into the bedding compartment. I've never seen her do this before, in fact I thought at first she'd shoved too much hay in her...
  5. F

    What to feed for weight gain?

    Hi there, just what the title says really. Bun's are being treated for worms at the moment so not sure if this has contributed to there skinnyness but just wondering if there's any type of hay in particular that will help them to gain a bit of weight? They are always lean, which I think is the...
  6. F

    Rat In the garden

    Yesterday and today we have had a lone rat pottering under the bird feeder presumably eating the seeds that have dropped down. Any thoughts as to how I can get rid of it and any others that might be joining it at night safely, ie without harming my rabbits who do free range sometimes?
  7. F

    Kennel(ish) questions

    Hi, not posted for a while as we've been on the move. My previous set up was a 7x5 shed, 12ft mesh tunnel and a pipe to an eglu with extended run so buns are used to quite a bit of space. Now we find ourselves with a lean to shed (3 walls, no door) which is about 6x4 and I'm hoping to extend...
  8. F

    Aviary panels

    Hi all, any ideas where I can get aviary panels with small mesh holes. I can only find 19g 1" x 1/2" but would prefer 1/2" x 1/2" because we are backing on to fields so pretty sure there'll be mice. I've already covered my runaround tunnels with smaller mesh for this reason but it was a...
  9. F

    Rabbits in garage?

    Just looked at a prospective new house and obviously my top priority was room for my rabbits! At the mo they are pretty spoilt with a 7x5 shed/ summerhouse, a couple of runaround pipes, 12ft tunnel and then an eglu run. Anyway this new house which is my dream house inside simply doesn't have the...
  10. F

    Sudden increase in hay

    Just wondering if it's the cold weather making my two eat so much more hay than usual? Is anyone else noticing this? (It's our first autumn with them , they were only born in Jan an so didn't come to us til late march) They have always had a good appetite for hay, eating 2 piles about the size...
  11. F

    At what temperature do you

    deploy the snugglesafe? Using one already for my arthritic cat but wondered about when to start again with my bunnies? (they are outdoors in a summerhouse) :wave:
  12. F

    both buns have fallen out with me

    :( Not sure what I've done to offend them but both bunnies seem to be really upset with me, Daphne more so than Freddie but then she's always been harder work than he is. I moved their existing cage into our summerhouse on Friday night so they should in theory be over the moon with their super...
  13. F

    Just need to tell someone (sad story)

    Sorry if it upsets anyone but really need to share what I just saw. Driving on the back roads I've just seen a poor little wild bun dragging itself across the road with its front legs, back legs just dangling limp behind him. It's totally broken my heart, I couldn't say anything in the car as...
  14. F

    Yet more questions! (runaround pipe related now)

    Right so after toying with getting a new 'proper' hutch to replace my rubbish one I have now decided (thanks to another posters genius idea) that I will be temporarily housing my buns in the summerhouse/playhouse to avoid cluttering the garden pre house move. Because of where their run is and...
  15. F

    Q's for Ryedale hutch owners....

    So after months of pulling my hair out trying to make our cheapy too small and too flimsy hutch more suitable I've decided we need to just scrap it and invest in a proper hutch. The one I have is too small, it leaks and is generally just rubbish. I've painted it, fitted a bottom floor removed...
  16. F

    Daphne has sore feet

    As the title :D Daphne's left hock is slightly red, not bleeding but I've put some sudocreme on tonight (which she's promptly licked right off) Would you advised her to stay in her cage a few days til it heals? She would normally free range in the garden for a couple of hours but it's pretty wet...
  17. F

    Runaround tunnel to connect foors

    Has anyone got any pictures of a Runaround pipe being used to connect top and bottom storey of a hutch? I'm wanting to extend my tiny hutch and thought taking the ramp out and closing the trapdoor between the floors would create more space while I ponder my 'grand designs' bunnyservatory plans...
  18. F

    Has anyone ever put a 'conservatory' on their hutch?

    Playing around with some ideas to extend my two's very small 2 storey hutch (3ftx1.5). It is permanently attached to another 8ft x 4ft run but the more room the better right? So been thinking the easiest way to extend would be to extend out the front of the bottom storey but 4ft or so, that way...
  19. F

    making a pair into a trio

    :wave: I have 2 baby (7/12 month old) mini Rex who are brother and sister. They have never been apart except for a few days around neutering time but they were side by side in mesh cages. They get on ok but it's not all hearts and flowers, some days they are more lovey than others.At first they...
  20. F

    How much greens is too much?

    Just wondering if there's a limit to how much greens etc to give providing poops look normal? My two have sweet hay from the local farm available at all times and then I top them up with any veg or herbs we have about 3 - 4 times a day. So they might end up eating a pot of basil, half a fennel...