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Search results

  1. M

    A little videomix of my dog

    I've always thought that the song "Don't stop me now" describes my dog very well. So I've made a little video of it and thought maybe some of you would like to see it :) http://youtu.be/TBvHDwwNK44
  2. M

    Not a good day for Muffe UD post 9

    Muffe has arthrisis in this lower back, and some days are good and some days are not so good. Today is not a good day at all for him. When I went out to him this morning he didn't walk on his hind legs at all. :( I gave him some metacam and I hope he'll feel better soon. He is also quite thin...
  3. M

    Finally got them vaccinated

    Finally got my rabbits vaccinated. Looking forward to letting them out in the garden :wave:
  4. M

    My dog pulling me on roller blades

    A few times a week I take my dog rollerblading. I've taught him to be infront to pull and lead like a slead dog :lol: It's a great way for him to release some of the energy he has, as he have a lot of energy! :shock: I tried for the first time to film a little bit of our trip today. It's not...
  5. M

    New world record in high jump!

    I just saw someone on facebook post this link! It says (in Swedish) that it's a new world record in high jump at 100 cm! :shock: Very impressive http://youtu.be/ft85me87fxg
  6. M

    Rabbit savvy vets in York?

    My oldest rabbit will probably need a dental soon, but as I just moved to York, I have no clue about which vet I should use. So if anyone knows about or have had good experiences with any vets in York, or within 1 hour drive from York, please tell =)
  7. M

    Ideas for bonding my trio again?

    Okay, so for those who have read some of my posts already, probably already know that I have three buns, but that two of them started to fight a few weeks ago. So currently my situation is, that I'd very much like my two "trouble makers" to bond again. I've kept them separate since they started...
  8. M

    My pets! *lots of pictures*

    So there was a few people who wanted me to post pictures of my dog and my rabbits. Of course I can't say no to an opportunity to show off my wonderful pets! :lol: My puppy/doggie These two pictures is in his passport. Thought his passport should have some nice proper pictures of him =)...
  9. M

    Painted the hutch today

    As I've heard it's a lot of rain in England, I thought I'd give the hutch a new coat of paint before I move (I'll bring the hutch with me). It also turned into a new colour as the colour I had used before had been binned. The hutch before: The hutch after applying white where there was not...
  10. M

    Stress and stasis

    I don't know if this is a stupid question or if I've just a totally wrong view of things, but after reading a lot on this forum since I joined a few weeks ago, I just have the impression that it's not uncommon for rabbits to be really stressed, or even stressed to the point where they go into...
  11. M

    My trio is starting to bond again! =D

    A couple of weeks ago my two of my buns started to fight, probably due to spring fever. They've been living as pair and a single since then (swapping the two trouble makers to be paired the third one who is good friends with both of them). It finally seems like they are calming down and...
  12. M

    Health check of my two old rabbits, and questions

    I was at the vet today, having a check on my two old bunnies, Muffe and Ludde. It's been a while since I had a check on them last, not because I haven't wanted to, but because there are so few good rabbit vets where I live. But anyway, the results were that one of Muffe's molars has started to...
  13. M

    Trio suddenly breaking up?

    I've got a trio of neutered boys. There is Muffe, who's the oldest at 7,5 years. Ludde, who is soon 7 years old. And then there is Totoro, who is soon 2 years old. Muffe and Ludde have been bonded for about two years, and the trio have been bonded for a bit over one year. A quick tell about...