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Search results

  1. S

    WANTED: Any dutch pairs in a rescue that would rehome to Berkshire?

    she could try calling or visiting this rescue in Berkshire: TRINDLEDOWN FARM ANIMAL RESCUE CENTRE Trindledown Farm Wantage Road GREAT SHEFFORD Berkshire RG17 7DQ PHONE: 01488 638584 FAX: 01488 638141
  2. S

    In one word describe rabbits

    deceiving! - as in they look so cute and cuddly but in reality they are v. high maintenance and not into cuddles generally - if all prospective owners knew this, we'd have less abandonment and neglect!
  3. S

    Mum - 7 years

    so sorry shazzabun xxx JJ - that poem is so touching
  4. S

    2 girls or 2 boys??

    I have a girl and a boy who luckily love each other to bits. The rescue centre i got them from had already neutered/spayed them and bonded them, so all taken out my hands - so i would recommend you visit a rescue centre if you can find one locally and enlist their help to find a bonded neutered...
  5. S

    Good sites for rabbit toys??

    do you have a wilkinson near you? they do rabbit toys reasonably priced
  6. S

    Another question from a newbie!

    Hi i would buy some disposable gloves (wilkinson sell them) and then pick them up by hand and leave them in the litter tray. you can also put the litter tray where they tend to poo more and then gradually move it once they have the hang of using it
  7. S

    Does anyone NOT have lino in their hutches?

    I dont use lino. When we go to the supermarket,we get cardboard boxes and then just tear them to size and take the sticky tape or anything else off. used to use newspaper but it gets torn and i like having something i can just chuck in the recycling bin when it's dirty.
  8. S

    Something I Have Done Re Sir Victor

    that is beautiful jane. roses will thrive outside. only if we have a drought (unlikely this year), then water it and move it into the shade if petals start getting dry edges. and do move it inside when there is frost in mornings/ice, onto a window ledge.
  9. S

    I think I might have to give up my bunnies

    hello there some great advice, and dont worry about how you're feeling - lots of us have had varying emotions when our buns were relatively new. Could you take some pictures of them? We love pictures and it makes you realise how beautiful they are. Do you know how to use photobucket? There is...
  10. S

    Outdoor housing - run setup ideas please

    think you need to re-try coping and pasting the code - then preview your message to see if the photo shows
  11. S

    I need help bonding with my new netherland dwarf

    Carley's advice is good - my buns pay me more attention when they are hungry, they arent overly fussed about treats. You might have tried this already but sit down, even lie down around him so you are less of a threat - take a blanket to lie on if it is out on the grass and put some pellets on...
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    Say hello toooooooo ... [More photos added!]

    oh, he's soo cute. like the name murphy
  13. S

    Children's interest in pets

    i think the whole "children lost interest" excuse is a load of balony, personally. Children dont lost interest, adults do. We have young kids and yeh they like the rabbits and can learn from them, but they certainly didnt influence our decision to get a pet - that's an adult choice and committment
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    Double up your locks! Such a fright :(

    that must have been scary! Glad she is ok. yes we have reinforced the locks on our hutch
  15. S

    do i need to add to this diet?

    hello everyone varies their diet a bit and you have to remember with buns to do everything really graduallly. what i reckon is that you could cut down the pellets a bit slowly to about one handful unlimited hay which you're doing - great - apple and carrots have high sugar content, can cause...
  16. S

    Chicken coop style hutch altered to pass a home-check

    oh that's good to hear someone else has it to. We removed the end panel completely (but have kept it) and then we created a smaller opening with the wooden crates you see there (wine boxes). aswell as the extra strong door fastners, we also put little wood pieces on the roof bits so that they...
  17. S

    Chicken coop style hutch altered to pass a home-check

    Hello I remember there was a thread on chicken coop hutches. unfortunately i bought one before i found the forum. I couldnt get a refund so OH and I did our best to alter it to pass our home check. This might be useful if you are a rescue person doing home checks or thinking of getting one...
  18. S

    Those of you who free range your bunnies in the garden

    hi my kitchen patio doors look out onto the garden so i let them out when i am in the kitchen, eg early in the morning so whilst i prepare breakfast/eat it and then clean up etc, i can see them. Their hutch door stays open so they can run back in if they want to
  19. S

    Rabbit sitting / House sitting - Kent TN12

    just an idea - you might get more answers if you repost your thread with your location in title - eg "can anyone help - rabbit sitting in Kent"
  20. S

    Hi I'm new to rabbits

    sorry to hear that, you must be disappointed. your time will come