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Search results

  1. M

    Rabbit savvy vets Preston (PR1)

    Hi Theo, I am in Blackburn and use the main Myerscough Veterinary group branch on the A59 just by Clayton-Le-Dale. They are all excellent - vets with a special interest in rabbits are Claire Batty, Sian Smith and Alice Tighe - all senior vets and lovely, lovely people. I've been dealing with...
  2. M

    FOUND - stray rabbit, Blackburn

    Blackburn says hello :wave: :lol: He's only a youngster so I am hoping whoever owns him isn't fed up with him yet. I'm not going to put masses of effort into finding them, if they want him they can find him. When one of ours went missing we knocked and leafleted every door on the estate until...
  3. M

    FOUND - stray rabbit, Blackburn

    My husband and I have just been out and rounded up a stray rabbit from the Beardwood area of Blackburn. He is safe in a spare pen at the moment and we can look after him for a while if he needs it. We're *really* hoping his owners are frantically searching for him. If you think this is you...
  4. M

    do rescues rehome to a snuffle bunny?

    We couldn't really neutralise our lounge, you just can't get rid of the smells completely I think. We did move 'their' things around and had them in the small space for a little while, on a new £5 offcut of carpet so that smelt neutral. They're just both easy-going buns so it wasn't hard to bond...
  5. M

    do rescues rehome to a snuffle bunny?

    We took Jack with us and put him in a puppy pen at Elaine's then popped Layla in. Jack was a bit unsure but Layla was just interested, and they were fine together. After about 20 minutes we walked away so they weren't being stared at and when I peeked back around the gate Layla was humping Jack...
  6. M

    do rescues rehome to a snuffle bunny?

    It is really difficult to know what to do, and I hope you are able to make a decision as sometimes that is tougher than not making one at all. Here's a little tale that might make you feel a little more positive: We had a bonded pair had been together since they were about 6 weeks old and were...
  7. M

    do rescues rehome to a snuffle bunny?

    We have a long-term snuffles bun, also under good control at the moment. She had one husbun from Elaine at Tameside Rabbit and Guinea Pig Rescue, who did not have any concerns about him coming to us. When they turned out to be incompatible we bonded him with one of our outdoor girls, and tried...
  8. M

    Conti Giant Rabbit Baby - Excited.com

    Hi, We use Myerscough Vets - we use the A59 branch as we're in Blackburn but they are very good and any other vets I have met from other branches have been great too. There might be one near you: http://myvets.co.uk/home/# None of them claim to be rabbit specialists, but when we first joined...
  9. M

    Big has snuffles. Help.

    It is a serious condition, but it is manageable. There are arguments for buns being indoors or out. Some say that the environment indoors can increase snuffle problems and that fresh outdoor air is better. As long as her quarters are warm, dry and draughtproof (as I have no doubt they are) I...
  10. M

    Big has snuffles. Help.

    Sorry - to answer some of your other questions: If it is pasteurella, it *may* have been what Beige died from. Some buns do with no symptoms but the pasteurella has caused internal lesions which are only picked up post-mortem. We have several pasteurella carriers though, they all show symptoms...
  11. M

    Big has snuffles. Help.

    Don't panic, it is manageable. You do need to find an abx which works - Baytril did nothing for any of our snuffly buns. We also tried Flagyl, but eventually found the only drug that worked is Alamycin, an injectable drug usually used on farm animals. Once I got over the terror of doing the...
  12. M

    Nebuliser newbie questions

    F10 solution keeps ok for several months - I think it actually says on the back of the bottle up to six months? I make up 250ml in a sterile bottle using sterile water and syringe out 7ml at a time to use, then throw away what is left in the nebuliser pot. I don't keep the solution for more than...
  13. M

    Managing/treating chronic respiratory problems?

    I'm glad the coneflower is going down well :D We tried the liquid in water too - we got it from Amazon a fair bit cheaper than H&B. I went to the dried stuff so the buns could choose how much to consume rather than having it in their drinking water (my snuffly girl won't let a syringe anywhere...
  14. M

    Managing/treating chronic respiratory problems?

    Sorry, I missed this! It does smell quite strong and my buns turned their noses up at it to start with, but once they had tried it they loved it and willingly eat it. I think the strong smell helps when their noses are blocked.
  15. M

    Managing/treating chronic respiratory problems?

    I feed the dried sort : Clicky so the buns can choose how much to consume
  16. M

    Bunny Speed Dating near Preston?

    Try Tameside at Manchester :thumb:
  17. M

    Poor old Grim

    We nebulise a pinch of Bisolvon in with the F10 solution. It definitely works for our girl - when she is having a bad spell she comes out of the carrier after being nebulised like a new bunny. As you know, the key is keeping it all runny so it's not blocking the nose. I don't know what...
  18. M

    Considering Vaccination

    Which vaccine did she have the terrible reaction to? Has she been vaccinated for both VHD and Myxi in the past? If she reacted to the 'old' myxi vaccine, as the myxi element of the combined vaccine is different perhaps she would not react. But then you have the added stress on her system from...
  19. M

    Snuffle bunny thread.

    My snuffle bun is a very stressy girl too. She had digestion problems for the first few months of her life and got given oral meds for weeks on end. If I had been a bit more bunny savvy then I would have done things differently, as she now freaks out if a syringe goes anywhere near her mouth and...
  20. M

    Poppet Xrays on Friday

    Did you stop the treatment soon after this? You really need to keep on with the antibiotics for at least two weeks after all symptoms have gone. If not, you risk just knocking it back then it comes back stronger and more resistant to the antibiotics. We've also found nebulising to be one of the...