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Search results

  1. chelsea_leigh

    New partner?!

    Thank you all so much. She has witnessed death before but her and that rabbit didnt get along at all. humphrie, she was the baby of the 3, the newest to our family. she was on antibiotics and I was being hospitalized due to morning sickness so I left my roommate in charge, came home and she had...
  2. chelsea_leigh

    Hi I'm new! I need some help.

    She also passed away :/ i found out I was pregnant in march and due to horrible morning sickness I was hospitalized and she was on antibiotics and I left my roommate in charge and when I came back she had passed...needless to say I dont ever lave my rabbits in anyones care anymore.
  3. chelsea_leigh

    New partner?!

    My rabbit cinnamon had a partner, snickers, he passed away on friday. I'm wondering how soon I should get her a partner or if I should even get a new one at all? I'm very scared of her getting depressed and lonely. She's an extremely playful and young rabbit, snickers was much older than her and...
  4. chelsea_leigh

    Hi I'm new! I need some help.

    anyone else????
  5. chelsea_leigh

    Hi I'm new! I need some help.

    I've been letting her do whatever she wants lol. Run around the house, give her the extra greens she likes and I let her roam all day until I leave the house or go to bed. I'm hoping its keeping her busy but I read that if they don't get to say good-bye they'll just wait and wait for their...
  6. chelsea_leigh

    Hi I'm new! I need some help.

    I had two rabbits, cinnamon and snickers. Snickers has recently passed away and I'm very worried about my rabbit cinnamon getting depressed because she didn't get to properly say good-bye to her partner. It's been about 2 days now and I'm wondering when I should get her a new partner, if I...
  7. chelsea_leigh

    I need help bonding my 3 rabbits!!

    Yes I bring them on the patio. But as soon as cinnamon see's humphrie she goes into like attack mode. Her ears go back and her tail goes straight up anda few seconds after that she lunges at her. And not yet im working on that.
  8. chelsea_leigh

    raw paws? ):

    I've noticed that my rabbit humphrie has been chewing on her front paws and theyre starting to become raw ): I've tried several different things in her cage to see if something would help but nothings changed. I do have a vet appointment but its not for another couple days. Anyone have any...
  9. chelsea_leigh

    I need help bonding my 3 rabbits!!

    I have 3 rabbits, snickers, cinnamon, and humphrie. My boyfriend bought me cinnamon about a year and 4 months ago, shortly after getting her I adopted a rabbit (snickers) for her to play with. At first she didnt like him very much but then i got her spayed and now theyre like the best of...