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Search results

  1. C

    Playhouse for anyone near Dorchester....

    This finishes in 6 hrs, 2 playhouses joined together but needs work, a lovely size! Someone advertised it on our local facebook site although it is a bit far from here...
  2. C

    Bought a shed - couple of questions...

    Hi, I got so much advice from on here when I was bonding my rabbits that I thought I would pop back! Fluffy and Cookie are so settled now and happy but I felt they needed more room so have bought them a shed and we bought some ready made aviary panels to make a new run (they will now have a 6x4...
  3. C

    Advice needed please...

    Fluffy (male) is one year old, he lives outside in a hutch with a run but comes in the kitchen every afternoon for several hours as I didn't like him being lonely. He also has a hutch in the shed for when it is cold/windy. Cookie (female) is thought to be about a year old, she was found...
  4. C

    New - Hello

    Hi, I am new to the forums and I am looking for some help with bonding my bunnies. I have been reading and reading but I am finding it hard and don't seem to be getting anywhere. My main reason for joining was to try and find someone if possible near my area to help but being quite rural (West...