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Search results

  1. C

    One surviving kit

    We have one surviving kit out of a litter of 4 originally born 6 days ago. He/She so far seems to be doing well, we've witnessed him feeding quite a few times now and he's quite active, especially when mum hops in the nest. Now he's on his own though I'm concerned about him keeping warm enough...
  2. C

    Newborn concerns!

    I posted a few days back as our Doe had an unexpected litter 3 days ago. We have 2 surviving kits out of a litter of originally 4, however I am worried about one of them in particular. Of the 2 one is almost double the size of the other and it's the small one I'm concerned about. I'm guessing...
  3. C

    Doe's excessive fur pulling

    Hello, I'm a fairly new member, just after some advice. Apologies if this has been addressed in another thread, having a nosey around I've not been able to find much so far so thought I'd ask in a thread of my own. My Doe had her first litter yesterday (unexpected, but that's a long story and...
  4. C

    Lino floor lining Q!

    Hiya guys, I was wondering if anyone has any hints and tips (or better still piccies) on the best way to lay a lino flooring down in a buns hutch. Wood is such a swine as it absorbs everything, no amount of cleaning will ever get rid of wee marks I know, but my fella suggested lino? Having a...
  5. C

    My tribe!

    New to the forum, so thought I'd best show off my gang! Charlie (2yrs) Lola (18 months) Madams favourite lounging position, settling in for a good ear washing! The babies Alfie & Clive (6 months) need a more updated piccy as theyre huuuuuuge now! This was when they first came home
  6. C

    Newbie hello!

    I've had my buns (Charlie & Lola) for 2 yrs now, and Alfie & Clive for 6 months...I don't know why I've only just found this forum now! haha :lol: Thought I'd best stop by and say hello :D Always learning something new and this place is full of info and ideas and most importantly advice!