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Search results

  1. C

    I regreat getting a rabbit...

    I wanted a pet, I used to have a cat which I had a great relationship with. Now I've gotten a rabbit. Things have gone pretty well. He lets me pet it some times, and he sniffs me at times. The first couple of days he licked me! But then he stopped. He still sniffs at me. And sometimes he wants...
  2. C

    My bunny doesn't like me any more?

    At the beginning he was so afraid he peed himself. Then he started liking me, licking me a couple of times. Now he's scared of me again, not really scared, he just came and smelled on my feet. But he only comes close when I'm on the computer. He doesn't run away and let me pet him. But he...
  3. C

    Grown men with rabbits?

    How many here are adult men with rabbits? It's pretty common, I think? Maybe you don't show them of as much.
  4. C

    Afraid I might have been too "rough"?

    I was tired of my rabitt not bonding with me. It had gotten better, but sometimes he was still afraid when I showed up. I wanted to teach him manners, so I punished him. I locked him in his cage and didn't let him walk around freely in my house 24/7 as is the usual freedom he has. And I used a...
  5. C

    My rabbit is scared of me?

    It's gotten better, I've had animals before. This rabbit runs away from me. What am I doing wrong? How can I make it stop being afraid?