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Search results

  1. P

    getting a second bunny

    So my plan is... get Luna Spayed. It's time... then a few weeks down the line... get a baby male bunny... I was considering adopting a bunny that needs a new home but I'm scared bonding might not work out as easily that way... so I will get a small bunny and keep them separate when unsupervised...
  2. P

    My bunny... THUMPS?

    My bunny doesn't thump in the way I normally think of thumping... If she enters my bedroom, which I don't normally let her enter, she runs and then sometimes there a loud popping noise while she moves... She does hit the floor... but why? She normally seems excited to be in the new room... so...
  3. P

    Getting bunny spayed... how to pick a mate?

    I'm going to have my bunny spayed, but I think down the line she needs a friend. Any suggestions on choosing male or female and also whether I can get a baby bunny and seperate them for the first few months or whether I should get another bunny her age etc? Any help will be appreciated.
  4. P

    Help, my buny's pooping behaviour has changed!

    I've had my rabbit for 3 months now and she's really started bonding with me lately. She's a smaller breed but I'm not sure if she's a dwarf bunny. She is about 60% of the size of the average cat and I suspect she has stopped growing now. On to the point... She got to a size where I didn't feel...
  5. P

    Bunny playing and pawing

    My bunny does something and I want to know if anyone else's does. When she's already in a playful mood and hopping around binky'ing or hopping, I can get a reaction if I bring my hand towards her making a slight repetitive hook motion with my fingers. She sometimes just gives a little jump of...
  6. P

    Chewing... Digging... Carpet... Furniture...

    I'm surprised there aren't more sticky's on this... I modified Luna's housing with corroplast/corroplex and added some mineral stones and chewing wood blocks with parsley inside that she seems to like. She spends more time in the housing now. I wanted to leave it open at all times so I got NIC...
  7. P

    I modified the bunnies housing! :-)

    I used corroplex/corroplast to build some levels, put in a solid floor and make a ramp and a section for her to sleep in. She loves it way more now and relaxes inside even when it's open often now. It looks small on the pic due to the angle but it's sufficient for now. The sleeping space at the...
  8. P

    Chew toys? Solutions...

  9. P

    Bump near eye
