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Search results

  1. M

    the thread about 11 rabbits needing a home in two days and looking for brain dam bun

    having decided to come off the site for a while, i couldnt help but worry about these rabbits. a friend may be able to help with a bonded set and now i cant find the thread?? anybody any ideas. also someone was looking for a brain damaged bun as a pair for their one, can anyone remember who it was
  2. M

    am i just lucky or what????.... photos added

    put Rodney and Cat in the living room together last night. they are now aka the odd couple, hes a big grey frenchie and shes a tiny chinchilla nethy!! anyway they have sniffed at best a couple of times. bit of chasing, bit of Rodney running off scared. then half hour later, Cat whispering...
  3. M

    help me please if you could

  4. M

    Just an idea

  5. M

    have i done the right thing???

  6. M

    help please!!!

    rosie went for her spey today. she hasnt eaten a thing despite me putting her favs in front of her. dont think she has been loo either. she is snuggled up on my lap at the min and seems happy being there. she has washed and does move a bit before settling down a bit. she is panting quite a bit...