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Search results

  1. H

    Heart Failure

    My ND buck sadly passed away last week at the age of seven, suffering from heart arrhythmia. He had no history of dental or respiratory problems, his digestive tract was robust, the X-ray on his deathbed revealed no fluid build up around his heart or lungs, and he was as lively as ever...
  2. H

    Rabbit moulting & bellyache.

    I've noticed that occasionally during a moult my ND buck gets bellyache. Usually he picks up again after a few hours, but I was wondering if this was common amongst rabbits. He's a little subdued this morning, and looking uncomfortable, so I'm keeping an eye on him.
  3. H

    Long time no see aggression

    I've noticed that when I've been away for a few days on business (sometimes up to three weeks at a time) my rabbit is always displeased to see me upon my return. In fact, he retreats to the back of his cage and growls at me. Is this common behaviour? (And yes, he has a rabbit-sitter during the...
  4. H

    Rabbit climbs on me.

    If I lie on the floor or on the bed, my rabbit frequently jumps up and sits on me. What is he trying to tell me?
  5. H

    Occasional Diarrhoea

    I came home from work recently and noticed my ND buck lying on his stomach on the mezzanine in his cage. His posture seemed to indicate that he had stomach pain, and there was a little diarrhoea on the floor. I offered him one of his favourite treats, which he sniffed, but he didn't eat it. I...
  6. H

    New Cage.

    I've been looking at some cages for my ND which are bigger than the existing cage. I've got my eye on this one: http://rabbits.mame2.net/item.jsp?itemCode=C13&categoryType=1&categoryName=%83%50%81%5B%83%57&sortType=REGISTERDATEMLLIS&listType=about&currentPosStr=1 And maybe this circle to...
  7. H

    Moody rabbit

    I have a 2-year-old male, neutered, Netherland Dwarf. He's usually good natured in the mornings, but sometimes he is really aggressive and will click his teeth and grunt and lunge at me, or charge like a stampeding bull! In addition, if I don't stroke his head for long enough, he'll chase after...
  8. H

    Summer Heat

    My rabbit is Netherland Dwarf and he lives inside my apartment together with me. While I'm out he stays in a small-ish cage to prevent him from going on the rampage. He has toilet, hay, a chewable house and a bowl of water which I change twice daily. The problem is that we've hit summer, and...