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  1. B

    Hi again, here's my update

    Thank you. :D xx
  2. B


    The comments will be interesting as I'm considering getting one of these for my too. xx
  3. B

    think one of the bunnies peed on the heatpad cover...

    I think I might get a couple of covers when I get my snugglesafes then. :roll:
  4. B

    Hi again, here's my update

    I haven't been on here for agesssssss. :D This is now where they live. It's not quite finished yet! It needs some vet bed inside instead of shavings and a runround tunnel. http://s607.photobucket.com/albums/tt158/Lu_Lu_Cool/Rabbit%20Place/ I have a lovely lionhead x lop doe called Trixie...
  5. B

    Can I keep Bumble outside at night?

    She will be fine at night. She has a lovely fur coat. :) As long as your hutch, run and garden are fox proof, it should be fine. In the winter, she can still stay outside. Move her to a place away from drafts and may be get a hutch cover.
  6. B

    Biffy the Digger

    That would be very nice. I'm going on holiday for two weeks tomorrow, but the pet sitters will keep watching and her hutch door is open. :) I can't really wait 5 months though because I have another very lonely bunny. :(
  7. B

    Neighbour's loose rabbit

    Awww! :love::love::love: You're taking such good care of them both!
  8. B

    Biffy the Digger

    Sad thing, we finally had them all ready to bond and then she escaped. :(
  9. B

    Biffy the Digger

    Thanks guys for your support! :) We have rang the animal shelter (there's only one on the island I live on). No, we never got round to chipping her, but the have all her details. They said we can't do anything but keep looking. It's day 4 now and no sign since day 1. :( We left food by her hutch...
  10. B

    Biffy the Digger

    Yep, looked many times. It's huge outside there. It's been over 30 hours since she's gone. We're going to ring the recuse centre tomorrow, but I honestly have no hopes anymore. :cry:
  11. B

    Biffy the Digger

    I have VERY sad news. Biffy has escaped and there is NO chance of seeing her ever again! I was on a school trip and my Mum looked after her and accidently lost her after her op! :cry::cry::cry: I'm SO SO SO upset and so is Mum. I didn't post this on rainbow road because I'm pretty sure that...
  12. B

    Birthday Boy! xxx

    AWWWWWWWWWW!!!!! :love::love::love: Happy birthday! :D
  13. B

    Squeeeee...baby bunnies! U/D NEW PHOTO POST #11 :')

    AWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!! :love::love::love:
  14. B

    Pics of Mischief...

    AWWWWWWW!!!! :love::love::love: I love all your bunnies!
  15. B

    Bosley and Finlay piggies

    AWWWWW!!!! I've always wanted piggies! :love::love::love:
  16. B

    Biffy the Digger

    We got her the biggest run we could find. She'll also have more space soon when we attach the two runs together for both my bunnies. We haven't got any foxes over here and our cats are too lazy and not bothered about her. :)
  17. B

    Woshy face :)

    I thought so, I have a Rex too. Beatrice, awww. :love:
  18. B

    PHOTOS! Pet Overdose

    Thanks, guys. :) :D
  19. B

    Teatime nomnoms

    Oh my God! :shock: Lucky! Mind you, I've got 6 pets in total now. :lol: