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Search results

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    Best feed for an older rabbit..

    Hi, As the title suggests, what is the best feed for an older (8/9 year old) rabbit who is a very fussy eater. He is currently on museli as he refuses all pellets that are offered :( Any advice appreciated :)
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    Marshmallow - my giant bunny

    Hi :wave: I have posted on here a few times before and I thought I would share a couple of pictures of one of four rabbits. He is only three months old, and is such a character :D Lazying in the kitchen.. Paws together and pose :lol: Showing off his ears :)
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    Newspaper ink..

    Hi, Does anyone know if newspaper ink is toxic and will it permanently stain my rabbits feet? My new bunny has decided that he likes shredding his newspapers, but I don't know if he is actually eating any of it. Also Ive noticed his very white feet now look black :( if he licks them will it be...
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    Giant papillon temperament?

    Hi, I'm new on here, so sorry if this isn't in the right section. I was wondering if anyone has a giant papillon rabbit, and could tell me what their temperament is like. As there doesn't seem to be much information about them online, but I have heard different things such as they are quite...