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Search results

  1. C

    Bunny Identification!

    thank you, he is lovely, and so playful!!! Which is surprising, considering his background........ :wave: xxxx
  2. C

    Bunny Identification!

    yes, i am no expert (at all!) on rabbit breeds, i think i got mixed up. so a rex / rex cross? thank you for the advise! :) xxx
  3. C

    Bunny Identification!

    he is very very soft!!!!! he is so lovely to stroke, he's on my knee right now :') :') xxxx
  4. C

    Bunny Identification!

    yes, that is why i wondered whether he was part nethie..... he seems so small and is a similar shape... thank you :D xxxx
  5. C

    Bunny Identification!

    thank you, so do i!!!! :) xxxx
  6. C

    Bunny Identification!

    your rabbit is absolutely gorgeous too!!!! :) xxxx
  7. C

    Bunny Identification!

    i know, hehe, he's gorgeous!!! he has curly whiskers and his fur is so velvety adn soft, both characteristics of a nethie :) :) he's lovely and surprisingly tame for a bunny that has never had any human attention before... i'm making up for that now hehe :) xxx
  8. C

    Bunny Identification!

    Hi there, I was just wondering whether anyone could help me work out what breed my little fiver is? I personally think he may be part netherland dwarf or perhaps english cross? Thanks :) Heidi x
  9. C

    Tortoise and rabbit?

    awwww wow!!! that is amazing!!! my tortoise looks about the same size as yours, if not a bit bigger but my bunny is quite small, we think he maybe part netherland dwarf... i tried them together last night; they both seemed inquisitive and Lilo (my tortoise) followed fiver (my bunny) around quite...
  10. C

    Tortoise and rabbit?

    yes, thank you for the advise, I am going to try it tonight, it would be lovely if the got on. my tortoise has never bitten me but she has bitten one of my friends before when she felt under pressure..... i'd never forgive myself if she injured my bunny... I will keep you updated about what...
  11. C

    Tortoise and rabbit?

    Hi there, I have a 18 month old tortoise and have just rescued a 10 week old rabbit, both mainly indoors. I was just wondering whether there would be any chance I would be able to let them out together or whether this would be a bad idea? So far I haven't done so as I didn't want to risk it...