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Search results

  1. R

    Rabbit drooling and choking

    Update 05-12-2011 OK just got back from vet. Our girl took well to the sedation and woke right up and is back with her mate at home. They took a bunch of head xrays today 5/12/11... I uploaded them as well as all previous xrays here: http://www.vsqr.com/rabbits/xray/ There are two head xrays...
  2. R

    Rabbit drooling and choking

    Hi again everyone... just an update. After witnessing the the specifics of her last choking attack and noticing her difficulty with the hay, I made a switch from the timothy hay which was very straw-like and crunchy to a soft orchard grass and for the past 24 hours has not had a single problem...
  3. R

    Rabbit drooling and choking

    Thanks for your comments... Would her constant making strings of poop be a symptom of slow motility? That problem started around the same time as this issue.
  4. R

    Rabbit drooling and choking

    This is a very interesting and well thought out possibility and after witnessing the past day with her, I am starting to think this is more in line with a swallowing issue rather than a dental issue and your scenario definitely fits into that category. She had another episode midday yesterday...
  5. R

    Rabbit drooling and choking

    I welcome any and all suggestions... Yes she was spayed prior to our getting her from the rescue shelter several years ago. Yes she was on cisapride for about two weeks because she had the "string of pearls poop". We stopped her on it though although she still gets the occasional string. She...
  6. R

    Rabbit drooling and choking

    I apologize in advance for the long post but I want to provide as much detailed information about the situation. Our 8-9 year old Dutch has had several health problems over the years since we adopted her from a rescue shelter. Back in December while being treated for a sore hock using your...