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Search results

  1. C

    please help urgent

    Vet I think that keep him in a warm place with The mother but keep him under close eye And contact your vet!
  2. C

    Lola - Need advice please

    Vet Ok so she pees around and swelling around her bits I really do not know maybe a kidney infection But bring her to your vet Hope it helps
  3. C

    Rabbit not eating

    Maybe???? Right I hope Jasper is ok but this could be About food. are you feeding cabbage to Jasper If so stop cabbage causes diarrhea and and unhungry And un happy rabbit or fly strike look it up Hope this helps!!!!!!!
  4. C

    Why did my rabbit die so suddenly?

    some reasons I am very sorry for your loss i have two male rabbits but these are some reasons why I think he died 1.He could of suffered a disease called flystrike and is often very fatel it happens when flys get on to the rabbit and lay its eggs in just a few hours those egss hatch into...