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  1. P


    My vet has said that my fluffballs (pair of 2yo miniature lops. Boy/girl both neutered) are on the cusp of needing to lose weight and I should be careful about their food. I think the problem is probably too many fenugreek crunchies (3-4 a week each) too many carroties (probably 10 a week each)...
  2. P

    How long to break a bun's habit?

    Quick question. I have two buns. Till recently their routine has been pellets in the morning - then let loose in shed. Moved to run after work (if light enough) Moved from run to shed when getting dark. Veggies in shed. Littertray changed. Hopping around shed till about 9pm and then some fresh...
  3. P

    Re-litter-training a rabbit

    Over the past week my two buns have been using their litter tray all day and all night, but between when we give them their veggies and shut the door (at about 9pm) and when we go out and top up their hay (at about 10pm) one of them had taken to doing a massive wee right next to the litter tray...
  4. P

    Quick question about mounting and fur pulling...

    Is this normal in bonded rabbits? My two have been bonded since August. The bond went fine, she can be a bit bossy and tries to mount him a bit, but i was ressured that this was regular bun behaviour. However, over the last couple of weeks the mounting and fur pulling has increased. They're...
  5. P

    Out of curiosity...

    What are the minimum (and recommended if that's different) housing requirements for buns from various rescues?
  6. P

    How much veg?

    I have a pair of mini lops. I'm super-careful with their pellets as I remember being warned not to overfeed them their pellets when we got them. I was told no more than 2.5 ounces each a day - that's 125g to share. But I thought that was too much and they now have 70g a day to share. I weigh out...
  7. P

    Bonded rabbits pulling fur - should I be worried...

    The past few days I've got in from work to find clumps of fluff in their hutch. No blood or skin, no obvious injuries on the buns - just fluff. I suspect it's his fluff, but they're such similar colourings it's difficult to know for sure. She is usually dominant in all but food where he is...
  8. P

    With reference to the thread about the gumtree ad.

    Im regretting posting this. So I've deleted it. Sorry.
  9. P

    My bunshed is here!!!

    I'm so relieved. It needs a bit more bun-proofing, but I'm just so pleased it's here.
  10. P

    Bit gutted

    Bought the buns a lovely wicker hay rack. It lasted less than 4 hours. At least they've had a fun evening, but I'm a bit gutted that it got destroyed so quickly. I was hoping it'd last at least a month!
  11. P

    Training Buns

    Before I post any of this, I just want to say that I know that buns are buns and that buns do what buns do. But is it possible to train them out of some of their behaviours. The three that worry me are: Mounting: My female bunny regularly tries to mount my male bunny. He runs away, she chases...
  12. P


  13. P

    Bun-shed conundrum...

  14. P

    Outdoor buns indoors in winter?

  15. P

    Naughty step?

  16. P

    A silly question about boarding.

  17. P

    Bonded buns and vet visits...

  18. P

    low calcium foods please...

  19. P

    little lumps on ears.

    My buns had a bit of a scrap a couple of weeks ago, and his ear got scratched. It scabbed over nicely and I didn't think much of it until maybe a week and a bit later when I was stroking him and I felt that he had not one, but two little bumps on his ear. Kind of lentil sized (the little red...