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  1. S

    Advice please - help a gut stasis prone bunny???

    Thanks for reply! The first near-stasis related vet visit he looked at her teeth and said there were spurs but only small and since she was then absolutely fine for 3 weeks, I assumed it wasn't teeth related as surely once the pain killer wore off she would have immediately gone downhill again...
  2. S

    Advice please - help a gut stasis prone bunny???

    I think starting the new bag, for over a year they've never gone off a bag assuming it meets initial approval :) It seems to keep very well and a bag lasts 2-3 weeks. It's Nature's Own Devon Meadow Hay and until the last few weeks I've not had a problem with it. I've been feeding the same veg...
  3. S

    Advice please - help a gut stasis prone bunny???

    frequent stopping eating but not letting it get to full stasis so far. I've had my buns over a year now, been feeding in the same way since day one: hay, veg, small amount pellets morning; more hay, veg, small amount of pellets evening. Just this last month, Holly has stopped eating twice...
  4. S

    Litter training - or at least desperately hoping for it!

    I don't think the tissue and wiping trick will work, as she will pee in a litter tray occasionally, then pee elsewhere later, so it's not like it doesn't stink of pee in the litter tray! There are two, one is a high back one about a foot square, the other is twice the size. Thinking about it...
  5. S

    Litter training - or at least desperately hoping for it!

    It's tough though because whereever I put the trays, she will move them out of the way or pee next to them. It's very frustrating to have one bun who has it sorted, and one who doesn't learn from her buddy! Came home to 3 very wet patches, and two soggy litter trays from 'the good bun' :roll:
  6. S

    Litter training - or at least desperately hoping for it!

    History - Honey and Holly obtained in March this year at age 1 year. Kept inside for 2 weeks for getting to know us. Honey is litter trained (pee anyway) Holly is not. Outside for Summer (Yay! Grass! Sunshine!) but now I can't see anything in morning and evenings (dark) so we brought them...
  7. S


    Ya know this is something that bothers me. I have read many poisonous lists and find myself thinking exactly how poisonous is poisonous? I know that plum leaves are considered a no-no but my neighbours both have plum trees and I cannot stop the buns from eating the leaves (though I pick up...
  8. S


    I had recently pondered the same thing, after spotting the flowers and leaves were different sizes and colours. My wildflower book says brambles come in hundreds of subtypes, so that answered that. And I guessed they were all ok as I'd been feeding a variety with no side effects!
  9. S

    [EDIT 25/07/2011] Sneezing issue?

    Yep, one of my two rabbits stopped eating for a couple hours after a cat came into the garden! She's a very nervous rabbit, the other one was not bothered and as soon as the cat left she carried on eating as normal. I think she just doesn't want to be distracted in case the invader comes back...
  10. S

    Ear spots

    Yeah I was wondering, just not sure! Doesn't seem to have gotten worse in last couple days but not gotten better either, can't put anything on it though as Holly will lick it out in seconds :lol:
  11. S

    Ear spots

    Hi all, I've done some reading on tinterwebs and I don't think it's ear mites after what I read, but would like someone to take a quick peak at a couple pics for me? Honey has had perfect ears since we got her (2 months now, time flies!) last week she developed one tiny little spot which I...
  12. S

    Clover and Plums!

    Thanks! Phew on the clover then, and darn on the plum leaves. They have 2 trees and we have one, though ours is away from the lawn, theirs are very near to the run. I guess the only real option is meshing the run then...
  13. S

    Clover and Plums!

    The fun (worrying) never stops! :lol: So I've nearly dug up all the creeping buttercup (it's been weeks) and what rears its head in my lawn? White Clover! My rabbit book says this is poisonous, so as usual here I am to ask for clarification. Honestly if I have to dig all that up too they...
  14. S

    Eating plastic

    Hi guys, thanks for the replies. We bought two of these and she's made that nice curved front section rather flatter now! http://www.the-rabbit-hutch-shop.com/large-hi-bac_pet-litter-tray-ferret-rabbits-guinea_pig-ip862148.html They seem quite tough, but I guess the buns have good teeth!
  15. S

    Eating plastic

    Honey has decided to redesign her plastic litter tray. There was a little pile of nibbled bits, but when I saw how much had been chewed off I think she's eaten a fair amount. They must be tiny little pieces, but lots of them, is this something worry about? Is there anything safe but...
  16. S

    Plant ID photos, for my benefit and yours!

    Thank you that's great! I'm slowly getting more educated on wild plants of the UK now, but there's a lot to learn! Much appreciated! Susan
  17. S

    Cabbage Confusion and Pea Puzzle!

    Thanks! They seem to love the savoy cabbage, just wasn't sure about the inner leaves as they aren't dark and all the things I've read always mention dark leafy greens. I will see how growing the mangetout goes and if I'm successful we'll give them a go! Introduced them to cleavers and apple...
  18. S

    Cabbage Confusion and Pea Puzzle!

    Possibly being dense here, but I've read many things saying dark leafy veggies are ok for buns, and others saying cabbage is fine. Now if I buy a savoy cabbage, the outer leaves are very dark, but the middle ones are very light. Are they ok to eat the whole thing, or the dark outer ones only...
  19. S

    Long-lasting safe wood for runs?

    We used pine, as it's not in shaving form we figured it would be ok. We stained it with this http://www.cuprinol.co.uk/products/timbercare_overview.jsp as it was the only one we could find that said safe to use around pets. In terms of protective power to the wood, it's the lowest end of the...
  20. S

    what do you put on the floor?

    He's very handsome indeed! Mine poo everywhere too, sometimes in the litter trays, mostly not :lol: I always thought when people said you could litter train buns that they meant wee and poo, but I'm guessing it's actually quite rare to achieve that 100% as they do just tend to hop along and...