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Search results

  1. S

    Hard to find a loving home for our beautiful bun :(

    Wish we had more money/time for her, No luck sourcing a home myself and no reply when contacting SOAD so now what?
  2. S

    Rescues local to colchester?

    After deciding that we cannot give our beautiful fluffy what she needs. I contacted SOAD about listing her on here (am yet to hear anything back). Im just wondering if anybody knows where my local reputable rescues are?
  3. S

    Hutch Paint? Lino?

    I purchased some Cuprinol Garden Colours paint today and am going to paint my hutches.. Will it be ok to use inside the hutch as it looks abit ergh and patchy? Anybody that uses lino in their hutches, what did you use to keep it down? Or is there something else i can use to cover the floor? :wave:
  4. S


    What should be used to clean a used hutch? Is hutch cleaner enough? Or something abit stronger Eg bleach? (thoroughly rinced and dried obviously). Also is there anything you can use to protect wood on the inside, Ive seen that some people use lino, but dont really want to lose room by putting...
  5. S

    Pine wood?!

    I read somewhere that pine wood shavings were bad for buns something to do with the urine or something is that right? And if so would that apply to a pine hutch? What wood should a hutch be made of? Thanks to anybody that can help :)
  6. S


    Where is the best place to get a hutch .. ? Ive looked everywhere and the recommended size hutches are very expensive.. (dont have much spare cash at the mo as OH has just started a new job) We had all good intentions of keeping fluffy as a house bun but we are rethinking that idea as she...
  7. S

    Advice on housing..

    :wave:I have a female 15 week old mini lop, she is currently a house bun because when we got her it was still very cold outside and she was tiny.. Now thinking about moving her outside and getting her a friend.. What I want to know is how big should hutch/run be for 2 buns..(or even just the...
  8. S

    Advice please..

    OH got back from the vets a while ago.. Told me what the vet had said.. I dont know if my OH is being thick or the vet was really as rude as he said :lol: Anyway fluffy went for her myxi jab and a check up, the OH was given xeno 50 and panacur but wasn't really told why .. I was sure she had...
  9. S

    Beginning to think Rabbit + nearly 3 year old don't mix..

    Fluffy is a housebun and i'm abit worried that my son is going to scare her to death :( He is always faffing around her cage and when she is out he just doesnt leave her alone.. I am starting to think getting her was a very bad idea.. Do they get used to the loudness of being indoors.. Im...
  10. S


    I have a 9 week old mini lop and need a carrier to get her to and from the vet and stuff.. Will this be suitable? http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Boredom-Breaker-Options-Pod-Carrier-Large-Assorted-/160559709289?pt=UK_Pet_Supplies_Small_Animals&hash=item25621abc69 And be big enough when she is fully grown?
  11. S

    can a small amount of grass cause runny bum? :(

    After noticing something crawling in her fur yesterday I was going to ring the vets anyway, But ive come down this morning to find that she has runny poo.. :( I have been gradually changing her from mixed food to pellets and she had some grass yesterday.. Could this be the cause.. ?
  12. S


    Good evening everyone. I've just been inspecting a small scab on my buns neck as it feels bigger than it previously did. And noticed a little white crawly thing. Is it a mite? Have only had her since saturday. What do i do? Can they affect people. I have a two year old?! Thanks in advance for...
  13. S

    Bug!! From the bunny or the bedding?!

    Just had my bun out for a hop around the living room and shortly after found what looked like a millipede (or something like that) right next to her poop.. Where the hell did it come from? :?
  14. S

    Hii.. First time rabbit mummy here :)

    Hii all.. Been lurking for a while and thought I would finally sign up :wave: Our lovely little girl joined our family on saturday, she is an indoor bun at the moment and will probably stay that way. Any advice or things i should know please go ahead and leave a message :) This is Fluffy our...