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Search results

  1. L

    What Does A Blind Rabbits Eyes Look Like??

    Don't know about bunnies, but I have a few very old piggies that have cataract and the eyes are dull with a blue veil over it. You can easily see that they don't see anything anymore when you pick them up.
  2. L

    chillin' with our friend!

    Yep, it's the dog that chases rabbits in the wild...
  3. L


    I know how you feel. I'm always busy with photographs and when I stumble upon those of my babies that have all passed away, I feel sooo sad. Especially Matisse, I miss him like crazy, he was really special.
  4. L

    Hannah has made raspberry buns...

    have you got my home address,I want tons of these:D
  5. L

    Baby Skittles!

    I know exactly how you feel, it's pure horror. You are in my thoughts.
  6. L

    A very sad story

    I got my first French Lop (Matisse) in March 2009. He got a girlfriend (Cannelle) after a few months. In October, she suddenly died, aged 7 months. I got a new doe (Louise) and all went well for a while, untill my sweetheart Matisse died, May 2010, aged 15 months. So I found a new friend for...
  7. L

    Surprise Baby lion lops (UPDATED lots more pics)

    This is way too cute and bad for my little heart. (un) fortunately, I am very far away from you.:D
  8. L

    Hello, it's us!

    I'm Christina, live in Flanders, Be in a small rural town. I have two pairs of bunnies, I will introduce them later. I also share my house and life with a husband, a son at university, 3 dogs, 9 cats and....find out later :D