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Search results

  1. E

    Trouble getting your rabbits out of hutch

    Hello Do other people have problems getting their rabbits out of their hutch? We are very careful when lifting them but none of our rabbits seem to want to be picked up. I understand they're ground creatures and probably don't like the sensation of being lifted but we put them in their run...
  2. E

    Help! My Bunny has just had (unexpected bunnies!)

    Hello I'm in shock! We opened the hutch door today to find hair all over the place and three newborn bunnies inside! I am shocked because the boy has had been neutered about 5-6 weeks ago and the we had no idea the girl was pregnant. What do we do? We've moved the dad to the indoor hutch and...
  3. E


    I just want to tell you all about George, my 9 week old Mini Lop bunny. I've only had him one week but he's so loving. He sits at my feet til I pick him up and if I don't he jumps up onto my belly or chest and stays there being head stroked for as long as I allow him too, then he rewards me with...
  4. E

    Bunnies fighting to lie under my neck!

    My new bunnies have a rest on me everyday and like to lie on my chest. They have both began to try to sqeeze under my chin and one of them is now wrapping themselves around my neck! It seems very lovely and affectionate to me, but I'm wondering if this is 'normal' behaviour?!!
  5. E

    Bunnies in the cold

    Hello A few days ago we aquired 2 bunnies that are just over 8 weeks old. We live in rented accomodation and aren't allowed to keep the pets indoors. We asked the breeder if they would be ok to stay in a hutch outdoors at this time of the year, she said yes as they'd been bred outside. When we...
  6. E


    Hello My name is Emma and I've just become bunny mummy to two 8 wk old mini lop bunnies. Aww they're so lovely and just want cuddles all the time! They curl up under my neck and on my chest and are just beautiful little creatures. My husband who has never had a pet before and has always said he...