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Search results

  1. T

    Excessive nasal mucous

    What's the best way to make a bunny more comfortable who has a lot of nasal discharge? My elderly bunny Tom has suffered from sneezing fits his whole life, and generally has coped fine. His nose will bubble with mucous sometimes when he sneezes, and we clean it up regularly. But today he had a...
  2. T

    Advice needed re holidays

  3. T

    Tom's new pad!

  4. T

    Is ignorance bliss?

  5. T

    Clever Tom!

  6. T

    stiff, matted fur round eyes and nose

  7. T

    Jerry Rabbit

  8. T

    Update on elderly rabbit with abscesses

    Hi again, Thanks to the great advice I got on here, we got a good care plan in place for Jerry rabbit (15), who has multiple abscesses on his face. As well as oral baytril and eye drops, he is getting injections of penicillin every 2 days which I am giving, and metacam each morning. There...
  9. T

    abscesses in very elderly rabbit

    Hi, I've had a pretty much charmed life with my 2 bunnies Tom and Jerry. They're about 15 years old, and have had very few health problems, but a few weeks ago Jerry developed a sore, swollen, watery eye. Vet thought tooth abscess, and gave Baytril and eye drops. 2 days later an abscess burst...
  10. T

    Introducing Tom and Jerry!

    Hello all! I live in Scotland with my 2 bunnies Tom and Jerry. We inherited them from a friend when they were about 4 or 5 years old, and over 8 years later, they are still going strong, making them seriously old rabbits! Here they are enjoying some exercise in the garden. I don't know what...
  11. T

    elderly bonded males - new problem

    Hello, Newbie here :wave: My 2 neutered males are brothers from the same litter, and have lived happily together with no segretation for 14 years. Now they are elderly gents, Tom has slowed down a lot, and spends much of his day snoozing. His brother Jerry however is showing no sign of ageing...