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Search results

  1. R

    rexy babies on the way

    She is lovely, and has a lovely temprament, was convinced she was smiling. Bless!
  2. R

    rexy babies on the way

    They have been born last night we think there are 4 of them, they are going to be real cuties :love:
  3. R

    Yearning for company of Bunsters

    :wave: In October my first and only rabbit was pts, I had her for about 9 years and I miss her so much. I never realised how much I loved the little bunster. I think also I torment myself as well because I put off going to vets as I feared taking her and being given the ultimatum, when I did go...
  4. R

    2010 End of Year Candle Ceremony

    Rosie [/IMG] Rosie binkied her way to the bridge on 15 Oct, think of her every day miss her loads:love:
  5. R

    Would you ever.....

    It has been 4 weeks since my little munch monster passed away and I'm rabbitless at the moment and I said I would not get another as I have not had a holiday in 10 years as I did not want to leave her with strangers and the house was rabbit proofed, and did not want to stress her out taking her...
  6. R

    The Photos that you love!

    Some of these pics are soooooo cute:D [/IMG] Sly Eye [/IMG] Vote Rosie for X -Factor [/IMG] Nom Nom
  7. R

    My precious bunny had to be put to sleep :(

    Hi if you go on this website you can convert them http://photobucket.com/
  8. R

    My precious bunny had to be put to sleep :(

    So Sorry to hear your loss, my rabbit also had to be PTS on Friday very similar circumstances, she was also 9. Struggling to come to terms with it, keep having doubts as to weather I had done the right thing. I have done nothing but think about it since. I know deep down it was the best thing...
  9. R

    Rosie Rabbit 2002 to 15/10/2010

    I am completely devestated that my little baby, was put to sleep. After a long period of illness, she had become paralysed and was no longer able to clean herself or move about. I loved her so much and she brought so much joy to my life. I hope she will be safe and looked after where ever she...