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Search results

  1. A

    Fair weather bunny friend!

    I have two young neutered male rabbits, Filthy and Topsy. Filthy has recently had an ear problem; after many unproductive vet visits, antibiotics and swabs he is now on a course of three ivermectin jabs. It's funny because when he was very ill (temperature, sore ear and sore eyes) Topsy was...
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    ivermectin dose for ear mites

    Filthy has had a droopy ear now for almost a month. He has had oral antibiotics, ear drops, surgical cleaning of the lump/growth in his ear and an injection (ivermectin?). The vet says this is all he can do. His ear now looks scabby on the outside, suggesting mites, although it doesn't look like...
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    Droopy ear

    no improvement with droopy ear So far we've tried two weeks of oral antibiotics, three weeks of ear drops and three trips to the vet, including an attempt to surgically remove the infection/growth in Filthy's ear. His ear is still drooping. I must explain that we live in Uganda and this is...
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    Droopy ear

    Until I am organised to post recent photos of him, Filthy is the snow white rabbit in my avatar.
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    Droopy ear

    Droopy ear update Well after a week of antibiotics and anti inflammatories we went back to the vet today. He tried to remove the growth/infection in his ear and flushed it out well, although he doesn't know what it is or sound too positive that it won't come back. But full marks to Filthy - he...
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    Droopy ear

    Filthy's been given ear antibiotics and anti inflammatories as well as oral antibiotics. The vet saw what could be a growth or pus- filled blister in his ear-we're waiting to see if the treatment clears it up, if not he will try to lance it early next week. His eyes are much better though.
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    Droopy ear

    One of my rabbits developed an eye infection on Friday. He was no better on Saturday so we took him to the vet. He had a slight temperature and was listless but still eating a bit. I pointed out his droopy ear to the vet but he didn't really comment on that. Today he (the bun, Filthy) is much...
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    Bald patches on ears and scabs on shoulders?

    Would this be caused by mites or fleas? Topsy's ears are clean inside (although a bit grubby round the edges) but today I noticed scabs on his shoulders. These look like the type of scabs he has on the back of his ears. His hair is also noticeably thinner on his ears and shoulders. What could it...
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    what do your bunnies sleep on?

    My rabbits sleep outside and even though they have a sleeping area we originally covered with hay, we abandoned this as they insisted on using this as their toilet and sleeping outside anyway:roll:. We give them a towel to lie on - is this adequate do you think? What do yours sleep on?
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    Neutering and recovery together for two rabbits?

    Thank you! The testicles are definitely there now, and they seem v fond of each other so will keep them together post-op.
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    Neutering and recovery together for two rabbits?

    Can anyone help? I have two adolescent males, one seven months, the other four to five months. They are bonded but as they are both now mature, need to neuter them. Is the younger one old enough? If I get the op done on both on the same day can they recover together to offer support or should I...
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    Neutering two rabbits simultaneously?

    I have two adolescent male rabbits; one seven months and the other four -to five months. The younger one has just become sexually mature in the last couple of weeks and they are humping and chasing each other although still seem very fond of each other, grooming and lying next to each other. I...
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    Vegan baby

    You are breastfeeding him, aren't you?
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    Is it ok to cut out pellets altogether?

    No they always have hay available anyway, I'm just talking about pellets and greens rather than any other veg?
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    Signs that pellets are off?

    We have a huge bag of pellets that the feed place promised me would last 5 months if stored in a dry place..well, we have done that and I can see it's going off after 3 months. The problem is, how do I get the bin men to take a 40kg sack away?!
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    Is it ok to cut out pellets altogether?

    thanks... I thought as much.. the only real benefit I see is when we go away it is much simpler for the person looking after them to just give a bunch of greens and a dish of pellets a day rather than looking for the other bits and pieces we tend to give, also they won't be running round the...
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    Mine two get broccoli every couple of weeks or so, a floret or two and they adore it! They seem to know how much is good for them though because if I put it out for a second day they ignore it...
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    Is it ok to cut out pellets altogether?

    We live in Uganda and there's only one place that sells pellets; this is alfalfa and comes in 70kg bags only so it goes off before we can use them all for our two buns! Our rabbits eat lots of grass from the garden, have hay all the time and greens twice a day, plus the odd carrot etc. I give...
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    Is Your Bunny A Cuddle Bun Or Not?

    I have two rabbits, one, Topsy, is extremely affectionate and races up for cuddles, if he's out in the garden with us he comes up and nudges us for strokes, and will lie in my arms being cuddled for ages, just like a cat. The other one, Filthy, is very nervous (although getting less so), now he...
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    Hello I have two male rabbits, Topsy and Filthy. Topsy has been sneezing for about two weeks, now I notice he sometimes sneezes several times in a row. I think I even heard a small sneeze from Filthy today. They live outside (we live in Uganda) where the outside temperature is around 28 degrees...