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  1. V

    litter trays etc help

    thanks for your help. she does tend to sit there and eat the newspaper:roll: even tho she has hay all the time. as today was the 1st day with the liners she is just investigating i hope, but if i find she is tucking into them, i will remove them. nicola- daisy likes to knock the tray over....or...
  2. V

    litter trays etc help

    hiya.:wave: my cheeky daisy is litter trained, but sometimes wees over the edge..bless her. so ive bought a bigger tray which she has used....i gradually got her used to it, just by leavin it out, so she could get used to hoppin into it as its a bit taller than her current 1, today ive put her...
  3. V


    hiya...your bunny looks cute in your sig
  4. V


    hiya couldnt bring phoebe with me cos she is a outside bunny, and we live in a flat with a open garden so wasnt suitable for her as she has the ran of the garden at my parents. daisy is a houserabbit, .trying to toilet train her at the mo.
  5. V


    hiya im vicky and im a bunny mummy to daisy, i got her from my husbands cousin who`s little boy was gettin bored with her, so i took her in. she is just over a year (i think), has floppy ears and is grey and white! looks a bit like sweep from sooty! lol she loves her food and eats everything...