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Search results

  1. R

    Is a house bun a happy bun?

    They are all different TBH!! I've always had house buns but I have had buns who wanted to go out side, some which were indifferent and some which HATED it with a passion!!
  2. R

    I love my rabbit...

    I love my bun cause he's a lil Poppet!
  3. R

    I've got the hump...

    bad mood bunneh!!
  4. R

    Horrible - *Don't read if easily upset*

    It is reported by the daily fascist though (bunch of morons.) she should have to go with the RSPCA and see SOBER what some of these animals and rescue have to go through. THEN they should lock her up and throw away they key. Personally I want her to burn. I can't see that happening though. if...
  5. R

    omg poor bunny ** distressing pics**

    Oh my god. It's back at their home? They can't even bring children up!
  6. R

    omg poor bunny ** distressing pics**

    Please can someone copy and paste into this discussion. Work has blocked the sun
  7. R

    Bonding tonight U/D They Met

    :D Can't really do that just quit my job and moved in with him (all 200 + miles of it!!) not so long ago. Now stuck in a :censored: job in a :censored:flat with a boyfriend who has no :censored:back bone to stand up to his :censored: mother!!! RANT OVER!
  8. R

    Bonding tonight U/D They Met

    :censored::censored::censored: Bad news...I might not be able to have any bunnys as Matt is allergic to Animal Danda and Dust mites :cry: I can't bear to get rid of my bun, but if it came to it he could go back to my mums (Atleast he knows her and likes her and my bro is there too) but if I...
  9. R

    Good vibes needed

    Your Bun is Beautiful!! :love::love: Fluffie is lucky you found him!!!
  10. R

    Bonding tonight U/D They Met

    Well I'm back from foster buns house...did it in the kitchen as Lexi has never been in there before. Took cloud AGES to settle as he was so stressed and Lexi was just going bonkers (she was obviously very happy to see another bun!! :lol:) Cloudy finally snapped out of it one he got humped...
  11. R

    I need "please stay under the bed vibes"

    ...and dont chew anything while under there vibes?? Yep you can have THEM from ME!!! :lol:
  12. R

    Bonding as I type...At last!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Good luck!!! I'm doing it tonight too!! :D
  13. R

    Just lost my final bun - now rabbitless

    Why don't you ask one of the rescues if they need one?
  14. R

    Bonding tonight U/D They Met

    Tonight Mr Cloud is meeting his new GIRLFRIEND Lexi for the first time!!! I need vibes people! I'm nervous as this is the first time I've done this without my mommas help! Rach and cloud xx
  15. R

    Home made rabbit toys?

    Oh and cardboard boxes they can run through!!!!!!!! (We have lots of homemade toys just couldn't think of any!!
  16. R

    Home made rabbit toys?

    I thought my bunnies didn't like toys but then I realised their idea of "playing" and ours are completly different. They like to pick up and throw or move things. Oh also natural (i think straw) coasters are good as well!! My mum gets them from Ikea
  17. R

    Used flash to clean condo by mistake.....

    I shouldn't worry about it...we didn't really know much about house buns and we used to use flash all the time until we realised we shouldn't. Never had any problems with that bun until she got old!! But don't do it again!!! :lol:
  18. R

    Home made rabbit toys?

    Yeah cloud moves them straight out of his cage. He says he a big boy an doesn't need them. We stuff loo roll with hay too, but we also put a treat in the middle like some carrot or something to keep him going. Anything they can pick up and throw really. he really likes lids, especially the lid...
  19. R

    Calling Essex people - any recommendations for getting good hay in small quantities?

    I got a small bag from chelmsford market (Medow hay!) Very popular!!! £1 a bag (i think!!)
  20. R

    Do some rabbits just not wash others?

    when cloudy lived with my mum he used to play with her buns (they were in seperate cages but still loved each other) because he was so young when we got him (we got all 4 on the same day) he's always acted like a baby. he's never licked (from what we've seen) but he will mard the girls to the...