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Search results

  1. F

    Should I adopt this bun?! More Advice for Newbie in need of guidance please!

    aw Jack is gorgeous! I do remember seeing the pictures when you posted them and in fact, your story about how you came to have him is one of the many things which made me wish I'd started looking for a rescue rabbit in the first place! :) I just know that my boyfriend will fall for *any*...
  2. F

    42" Dog Crate FREE to Animal Shelter in Hampshire!

    Helen I'm so pleased to know that! I will be keeping my fingers crossed for a successful bonding :) It was fabulous to meet you - you were a fountain of knowledge and enthusiasm :) I'm still reeling with the thought of how you just picked the crate up, popped it under your arm and strolled...
  3. F

    42" Dog Crate FREE to Animal Shelter in Hampshire!

    If you can get here, I'd be happy for you to have it - if you're fostering for an Animal Rescue I reckon that meets the criteria :) I'll PM you with my address so you can see if it's do-able...
  4. F

    42" Dog Crate FREE to Animal Shelter in Hampshire!

    that's a v good idea :)
  5. F

    42" Dog Crate FREE to Animal Shelter in Hampshire!

    Hope so! Would love it to go to someone here - everyone's been so lovely and helpful since I joined a few weeks ago, would be great to be able to help the wider rabbit cause :)
  6. F

    42" Dog Crate FREE to Animal Shelter in Hampshire!

    Right I've got myself into a bit of a pickle :) My long-awaited dog crate arrived yesterday! hooray! but it arrived with some dents in the base. I'm a bit of a perfectionist, so I was a bit peeved at this and promptly contacted the seller to pout. They asked for pictures of the damage because...
  7. F

    One Step Closer to bunny motherhood!

    Simba *specifically* ;)
  8. F

    One Step Closer to bunny motherhood!

    tee hee! I keep having to remind myself to be patient... aha maybe that is an idea for his name...Patience?! I'll add it to the list anyway!
  9. F

    One Step Closer to bunny motherhood!

    it really is! I can't decide whether its too soon to assemble the crate yet... I'm itching to!
  10. F

    One Step Closer to bunny motherhood!

    I'm naturally more like that too! but I reserved one from a children's farm before I realised that there were so many rescue buns available :oops: if I hadn't done that there are so many bunnies I've seen on here which I could easily fall for!
  11. F

    One Step Closer to bunny motherhood!

    I *know*! :(
  12. F

    One Step Closer to bunny motherhood!

    tee hee! there will be lots and lots of pics! I shall be the worst, proudest new mum!
  13. F

    One Step Closer to bunny motherhood!

    approximately 3 weeks! so long to wait ;)
  14. F

    One Step Closer to bunny motherhood!

    The dog crate arrived today! Puppy pen should arrive tomorrow! now I just need the bunny to go with them! :)
  15. F

    a true gentlebun

    aw that's so cute :love:
  16. F

    your mini lops!

    I'm also waiting to become a bunny mummy! Mine is a mini lop cross :) I get to meet him and (hopefully) be chosen by him on 13th Feb - I can't wait either! It will be good to compare notes when we get them :)
  17. F

    Pen with or without cover & base?

    wow that looks amazing! what was it you didn't like about the dog crates?
  18. F

    Pen with or without cover & base?

    good point :) I hadn't thought about the fact that I might want to change the shape. and £1.50 from homebase sounds much cheaper!! thankyoo
  19. F

    Pen with or without cover & base?

    Hello, me again I'm afraid :D On the advice of several of you, I cancelled my order for a tower cage for my rabbit-in-waiting and have been convinced to get a dog crate and puppy pen instead... hooray! I'm just looking at all the different crates and pens and I just wanted to ask if people...
  20. F

    Bunny Palace ... now with mood lighting!

    aw that looks so tranquil and spacious :)