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Search results

  1. N

    Hair pulling.

    Ok I'm posting this where ever I can think, I have two rabbits, both are English, and both have been great together, a while ago though I noticed that the male had pulled the females whiskers out, I assumed that this was over grooming or something, I split them up, and then re-bonded them, this...
  2. N

    Help please - what to use as a dig box.

    As I don't know what to use, I have two rabbits, and recently I've changed the indoor space for them, to give them more room (its now just over 8ftX4ft) but some of the area involves carpet, and Drew has dug a hole in it before I knew anything, so now I've got a very fetching old bed sheet on...
  3. N

    Help wisker pulling.

    I checked over my female rabbit Nancy yesterday, and I noticed a bold patch above her eye, and five little bumps, after a bit of thinking about what it might be it hit me that she she has no whiskers on her face whatsoever, so I'm thinking that Drew must be pulling them out, is there any advice...
  4. N

    Why do people feel the need to breed?

    I'm quite angry at one of my friends tbh, she is 17 and having a baby, which is not what I'm angry at her for, what I'm angry about is that around the time that the baby is due she is breeding her Lion head X French lop to a full Lion head as her one looks like a lion head :roll:, now I tried to...
  5. N


    Ok Nancy has started sneezing a bit recently and I have no idea why, Drew has just been normal, and nothing in their cage has been really changed, they are on the same hay and food as normal, and are getting simalar wooden chews and treats etc as normal, so I have no idea why, does anyone have...
  6. N


    :wave: Hi everyone, I'm a newbie called Charlie, and I have two English rabbits called Drew and Nancy, hence the name :D anyway I saw this forum, and I thought that I would join, I'll add some photos of them later, as at the moment I can't get to them, as the computer doesn't like to do too many...