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Search results

  1. River

    He's so aggressive.. I don't know what to do :'(

    TinTin, he's almost a year old and has been neutered since last november. That's not his issue anymore. It's possible that he doesn't like his hutch but he's always seemed very happy about it to be honest. I hand fed him some rasins yesterday for the first time, that went over well. So far...
  2. River


    awwwwww Your pickle sounds just histerical, and so very cute!:love::love:
  3. River

    She's not mine BUT....

    Look how GORGEOUS those ears are!!!
  4. River

    He's so aggressive.. I don't know what to do :'(

    Thank you so much you guys, you're all so supportive. I'm not entierly sure of his breed. The best myself, you all, and the vet can assume is hes dwarf/lop. Though last time we were at the vet their records said mini lop. He's not a full lop however, he has the longer ears, but they stick up, or...
  5. River


    I'm not sure. I've heard urine can be really dark sometimes, and I dont THINK it looks like diarrhea. I once held a sick bun who had diarrhea alll over me and it was.. chunkier. So I'd say dark urine or.. something else. How is bun doing otherwise? Everything seem okay?
  6. River

    He's so aggressive.. I don't know what to do :'(

    Sometimes. Yeah. We go to the rescues and pet stores around town quite often, buy him stuff, keep our eyes open for the perfect wife. And yeah, I hold them, and i pet them, and I fall in love with almost every one of them. But when I get home usually the first thing I do is wash up, if I havn't...
  7. River

    He's so aggressive.. I don't know what to do :'(

    I don't think there are any smells on me he is objecting to. My girlfriend and I share the same deoderant, I dont wear perfume or make up or any of that stuff. I bought him a couple of new toys today, one of this he already loves. It's a ball with wooden stick inserts for him to chew on and...
  8. River

    He's so aggressive.. I don't know what to do :'(

    Hmm.. Alright. I think I can manage to not react. But.. then my one concern is sometimes he'll bit me, and I'll try to move away but he just keeps rnning at me and biting me, so I try to push him away with one hand and pet his nose with another and he just still ends up biting me more often than...
  9. River

    He's so aggressive.. I don't know what to do :'(

    My comment about his poor eyesight was not directed to him it was directed to Buns in general. I don't really have ar eason to think he's actually got poor eyesight. He does scan, stand on his back legs and look about, and he'll turn his head slightly to see things better, I'm fairly certain he...
  10. River

    He's so aggressive.. I don't know what to do :'(

    I'm not entirely sure of his entire background. From about 0-4 months I have no idea. Then at 4ish months he was at a rescue type place. They arn't exactly a rescue, they're a pet and farm supplie store, attatched to a vet, that takes in strays and "unwanteds" and fixes them into good health if...
  11. River

    He's so aggressive.. I don't know what to do :'(

    I'm a first time rabbit owner. I did my research, believe me. I did not go into this thinking he would be docile, cuddly, shy, perfect. I went into it knowing that he could have a whole range of personalities and quirks, I knew there were so, so many possibilities for him and I and our...
  12. River

    Baby Wildie pics *pic overload * Update.

    Omg they are adorable!! Are they part rex? They look it!
  13. River

    Cute Pictures I found!!

    hehe I thought he was cute! He yawns just like my bun! At first I thought it might be like a hare or something, he's got the ears and the teeth, but if you look at his nose... I have no idea!
  14. River

    Cute Pictures I found!!

    Just thought I'd share the cuteness!!
  15. River

    Not eating!

    Thank you everyone for your vibes and suggestions! He's been doing MUCH better since yesterday. After we got home from teh vet he ate a bit, and took a nap, and when he woke up he was flying around the house like normal, getting into trouble. :lol: Typical. He ate his dinner last night, and a...
  16. River

    Not eating!

    Okay, so it turns out, giving a pill to a rabbit is VERY, VERY difficult. I mean very difficult. We had to wrap him in a towel, MANY times to try and restrain him. We crished the pill up and put it in some baby food in a syringe. Tried to give him food in the syringe, Nooo dice. He HATED it...
  17. River

    Not eating!

    ME EITHER! The vet had it in something sort of like a syringe and put that in his mouth and plopped it on his tongue so he'd swallow it. She said we can try to give it to him that way, OR mush it up and put it on some water of baby food and syringe it in his mouth. Whatever is best for him. I...
  18. River

    Not eating!

    Well I just got back from the vet. Oz was panicing the whole time poor little man. When the vet first went to examine him he jumped off the table and into my arms :( So cute and so sad. But they checked his teeth and they are fine, he has good teeth! There are no obvious lumps in his tummy. So...
  19. River

    Not eating!

    I'm such a worried bun-mum that I check his mouth regularily. His front teeth are perfect, straight, sharp as daggers but straight. I havn't been able to check his back teeth so that could be an issue for sure. I thought, probably naively that when you had a dental bun they had problems with...
  20. River

    bunny fun in garden

    aww!! So adoarble, and such a beautiful garden!:love: