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Search results

  1. S

    Rooney now Noah is here!

    Wow hes gorgeous, they both are. They look like they have always lived together. This boy was very lucky to get such a lovely new Mummy:love:
  2. S

    Rabbit Urine problem

    No mobility issues at all and I think X rays and bloodtests which have never been suggested are the things we are going to request. We have had this kind of thing in some of the rabbits before but it has cleared with Baytril. What would cause the sludge and bladder stones as we have been trying...
  3. S

    Rabbit Urine problem

    At our sanctuary we have 8 pairs of bonded rabbits. Each pair has a 10ft x 4ft pen including a cabin where they live until they are adopted. One pair consists of a castrated male who is fine and a spayed female who has ongoing urine problems. She ends up with her back end all wet and slimy and...
  4. S

    Blackpool to Swindon, Wiltshire.

    You lot are amazing, Thankyou so much for helping this bunny in need :thumb:
  5. S

    Available Rescue: Sapce needed urgently

    Thats excellent news :D
  6. S

    Available Rescue: Sapce needed urgently

    Chelle maybe you should pm this member
  7. S

    Available Rescue: Sapce needed urgently

    Waves back :wave: Im trying to get the owner of Rooney to come on here and explain more to you as it has now become a matter of urgency that he is rehomed This bun is in Blackpool
  8. S

    Available Rescue: Sapce needed urgently

    Thankyou SOAD