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Search results

  1. Kareena

    Would something like this be better..

    I'm looking at getting Samba and Leuki a new bed type thing for winter, I was lookimg for a cushioney bed but then I came across this on ebay, and am wondering if they would prefer it...
  2. Kareena

    rabbit cartoon!

    I just found this cartoon about a rabbit and 3 rodents by accident, maybe someone would like to watch it!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YE7VzlLtp-4&p=21C9F451184F5892&index=28&playnext=2
  3. Kareena

    post rabbit spay op

    I had my rabbit spayed 10 days ago, so she has been seperated but with my other rabbit for the past 10 days. The vet told me to keep them seperated for that long. After 7days I let them be together for literally a minute, and Samba was chasing her. I want to know if she is healed enough by now...
  4. Kareena

    Rabbit spay

    I got Leuki spayed today, and I'm just wondering what the best aftercare for her is. Please advise me. They are usually in a shed, but I have now moved her into the conservatory as my other rabbit is not keen on coming inside. I wanted to keep her inside with me but I don't want to seperate...
  5. Kareena

    Rabbit language..

    I haven't been on for a long while I hope I get some responses! Can you tell what your rabbit is trying to tell you by their body language? When I give Leuki some food she likes she runs off with it and flicks her feet at me, I kind of take this to be her way of swearing at me lol, though I...
  6. Kareena

    Rabbit food - leeks

    I was in my local corner shop yesterday, and noticed they sold a make of rabbit food, I think it was called Russel Rabbit, Which was made up of Carrot's and Leeks. I was under the impression they couldn't have leeks?
  7. Kareena

    The ways rabbit's run

    Sorry about the weird post lol. I've been wondering about this, both my 2 run around differently. Or I should probably say hop around, our first Leuki I never really thought about it, She kind of reminds me of a dog with a hop. But when we got Samba, he completely reminded me of Peter Rabbit...
  8. Kareena

    My 2 ...

    I'v been here a while and not posted any pictures of my 2, so I thought I woud try too now! In August I got Leuki (white and black) from a petshop, before I realised that wasn't the best place to get her (Having said that I love her so much I just can't regret it) The lady in the pet shop...
  9. Kareena


    I keep reading on here how people have diffferent types of medication at hand for their rabbits, and I'm thinking I should get things to hand to prepare incase it is needed. I'm just wondering where do you get them from, and what do they do. I've read infacol a few times, is this the same one...
  10. Kareena


    Hi, I just noticed this part for introducing yourself. We bought our first rabbit at the end of august, a baby girl from a petshop Leuki. I just seen her and fell in love, I didn't realise at the time that it wasn't good to buy from petshops. She is such a lovable character though that I don't...