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Search results

  1. BobbleG


    Having seen you in this thread http://forums.rabbitrehome.org.uk/showthread.php?t=233973 I fell in love immediately. We made arrangements to collect you next month, but in order for the bonding to be successful we needed to have you neutered - you were a bit too long in the tooth to have Bob...
  2. BobbleG

    Digging in litter tray - will she ever stop?!

    Hi, Our little girl Olive has started digging in her litter tray. Now whenever I come home, I find half of the litter contents strewn over my carpet. :shock: I've tried putting a cake rack in under the litter (a suggestion I found on the .net) and I've boarded up parts of their house so it...
  3. BobbleG

    Bob IS a Husbun. :o)

    After much consideration/worrying/debating, we have decided to introduce Bob to a lady bun. :shock: It's been a big decision because he's been so happy and content for these past 3 years. But this forum (and some of you little tinkers!) have made me think that perhaps even Bob would like a...