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Search results

  1. L

    bedding and hutch 'set-up'

    yeh they have what looks like trousers on their back end :lol: it does look like baby fluff to me so id imagine they will loose it at some point! the brush tends to do the trick of getting the shavings off them but as soon as the shavings i have run out i will be purchusing a new type of...
  2. L

    bedding and hutch 'set-up'

    i am definatly going to change their bedding now after reading all the replies, thank you so much for all your advice! :D they are not too long haired on their actual bodies but have alot of fluff around the face and back end, ive just purchased two little baby brushes today to keep on top of...
  3. L

    what does this mean?

    sometimes in her hutch daisy stamps her foot really hard on the ground, at first i didnt realise it was her and just heard this almighty bang, ive now realised its her doing it with her foot, does this mean 'get away from me im not happy'? as she seems to do it when i try to stroke her, im...
  4. L

    house rabbits

    as i eventually want to house-train my bunnies so they can be in my room with me most of the time what is the best way to go about it? i want to get them litter trained first as i dont think my mum would be too happy with accidents on the carpet :lol: but once that is done can rabbits live quite...
  5. L

    bedding and hutch 'set-up'

    as i am a first time owner i am a little un-sure of which bedding is the best/most cost effective/safest one to use, i bought some shavings which my two were kept on in the shop but as they are so furry im finding the shavings are getting everywhere as they are sticking to the fur :roll: as i am...
  6. L

    a little bit confused!

    thankyou so much for your quick replies :D thankyou for the links but im afraid im still none-the-wiser :oops: its so difficult to tell on mine as they are so young! the man where i got them from did look and thought that they were both girls so im hoping he was right! i really dont know...
  7. L

    a little bit confused!

    i have just purchased 2 little girls this weekend (see intro post) or so i thought.... the man in the shop did sex them for me but did tell me that he couldnt be 100% as its so hard to tell when there young, told me to check again in a few weeks time and if it did turn out that i had a boy and a...
  8. L

    hi everyone!

    hey everyone :wave: my names emily and have just gained two new additions to the family this weekend, two little girls (i hope :?) daisy and lola, 10 week old lion-head rabbits, they are adorable but as a first-time rabbit owner i have joined up here in the hope to get some help and advice on...