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Search results

  1. F

    Can 2 Girls And 1 Boy Live Together?

    Hi all is it possible for 2 girls and a boy to live together? once they have all been spayed and neutered? i started off with 2 rabbits that i thought were both boys and after reading up more,i came to the conclusion that 2 boys together wasnt a good combination,so i got a girl bunny,with...
  2. F

    Would Putting A Female With Two Neautered Males Work?

    Hi,i ask this question for future ref really,ive got two boys that are going to be neutered very soon,i was thinking that as soon as they are bonded would it be ok to try and get them to bond with a female or should i get them a female each? if i get a female each they will be in seperate cages...
  3. F

    Should I Bond My 2 Males Or Get Them A Female Each?

    Hi,im just wondering if i should bond my two boys or get them a girlfriend each instead,im starting to think ive taken on more than i chew with two boys The more i look into it,it seems that bonding males is alot harder than bonding females and would they prefer the company of a female instead...
  4. F

    Advice Really Needed!

    Hi,i really could do with some advice,ive recently bought 2 male rabbits,they are not from the same litter and one is 12 wks old the other is 8 wks ive been gradually letting them spend time together in the run and they have been fine,a bit of mounting but nothing major,ive moved them into the...
  5. F

    Hi To Everyone,im New

    Hi,my names katrina and i have recently got 2 male bunnies,one of them is a netherland dwarf his name is rufus and he is 12wks old and my other little boy is 8 wks old and his name is squirrel,i have just started putting them together in the run and so far so good,i will definatley be getting...