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Search results

  1. C

    Flystrike!?! Really Worried.

    Thanks that was really helpful x
  2. C

    Flystrike!?! Really Worried.

    They dont look anything like what she has.
  3. C

    Flystrike!?! Really Worried.

    She doesnt appear to have any of those symptons listed... it looks more like she has small brown/black flakes.. not sure if theyre eggs or not.. I gave her a bath today to try and help.. not sure if it will have helped or caused more of a problem.
  4. C

    Flystrike!?! Really Worried.

    I went to put my rabbit into her hutch after having a nice little run in the garden. Noticed a fly sitting quite confortably on her back end! :( Had a look through her fur and noticed she has loads of small black 'dots' near the roots of her fur. Iv been sat trawling through google for ages...