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Search results

  1. R

    Bedding material

    I haven't got any rabbits yet but myself and partner would like to get two rabbits in the future. They will be living out doors. Other than straw in their sleeping area, what meterial should I use on the floors? I would like to put lino down over the wood in the hutch first and then use some...
  2. R

    ? Building our own hutch

    Hi, My partner and I are thinking about getting some rabbits in the near future. We would like to build our own hutch. After looking at some fantastic housing people have created we don't have space for a shed or a wendy house. But we want to build something to fit in the space we have...
  3. R


    Hi my name's Rachel :wave: My partner and myself are thinking of getting a rabbit or a pair of rabbits. We're currently researching about hutches, runs, bedding and breeds, etc. :?: If anyone's got any helpful advice on the above or anything else we need to consider that would be great.