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Search results

  1. B


    How do you bond bunnies? x
  2. B

    Nesting Box

    Will a cat tray be good enough or do i need to buy something special? tia
  3. B


    Just sent my dh over the road where they have stables as i thought there must be a cheaper option for the hay we get. They have show horses and buy good quality no dust etc hay and he's happy to order us some. Is it ok to use the same stuff that they use for the horses i know it sounds a daft...
  4. B

    Pregnant Doe

    We got a rescue doe we suspect she maybe pregnant and just wondered is it ok to handle her each day? She a nice bun but alot of work to catch i know it will get better with more handling but i dont want to make her cross if she is expecting. We also got the sister as they are bonded will i need...