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Search results

  1. T

    When do rabbits stop growing?

    Question in the title really I have a dwarf lop and a lionhead, just wondered approximately how old they will be when fully grown
  2. T

    Lionhead breeders in Northern Ireland?

    Hey all I'm looking for a lionhead bunny but can't seem to find any breeders in Northern Ireland - does anybody know of any?
  3. T

    RIP Sandyman

    I lost one of my bunnies yesterday. Sandy was only around 5 months old, when I got up he was fine, about half an hour later I found him lying really awkwardly. I picked him up from his hutch and he was totally limp, couldn't hold his head up in fact there was no reaction at all. He was still...
  4. T

    PROJECT: Hotel Rabbison SAS

    My OH has been building our bunnies a new hutch - I think they're gonna love it! frame taking shape Sleeping quarters added Outside boarding Still got a fair few bits to do - the lower floor needs boarding round 3 sides and grilled front compartment as well as putting a ramp in & we...
  5. T

    Grooming short haired bunnies

    How often should I be grooming short haired rabbits? I've only had them since Monday and they are still wary of everything but will feed from the hand and be stroked although I have only picked them up to move them from cage to floor, not actually held them for any length of time yet When...
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    I was reading an article about not giving grass clippings to rabbits - I totally understand that as this is dangerous for my horses too This may be a silly question but is uncut still growing grass OK? :?
  7. T

    Flooring for a run

    I'm planning on building my own run for my rabbits (and possibly a hutch too!). I'd like them to be able to go in & out of the run at their own leisure so they can exercise as much as they like but I'm worried about them getting eaten or digging themselves out so am looking at different types...
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    I'm new :-)

    Hey everyone :wave: I'm new here - my fiance has just bought me two dwarf lops to congratulate me on getting a new job. They're very cute & currently living in the house in a large cage. I had a couple of rabbits when I was young but none since so I may have loads of questions. I also have 2...