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Search results

  1. B

    Should he be grunting?

    Recently, when he's been playing with people, his toys, or binkying, my bunny Snudge has started making occasional soft grunting sounds. He's not doing anything else out of the usual- he's just as affectionate as usual and there's nothing physically wrong with him. Any ideas?
  2. B

    Bunny garden

    Hi everyone! My house bunnies love playing in the garden so I've started to create a special play area for them (hopefully that should keep them out of my herb garden, but I'm not holding my breath...). The area I have fenced off is about 3x4 metres and mostly paved with a bit of grass and an...
  3. B

    Would attempting bonding be a good idea?

    Hi everyone, I was just wondering if anyone could give me an opinion on this: I've currently got a fairly young male bunny who I rescued after he was abandoned. He's been checked out by a vet and is healthy. We're planning to get him neutered when he's a tiny bit older and bigger as I'm...