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Search results

  1. B

    complaint letters about small hutches

    You guys would have been disgusted with what my latest rescue bunny was living in! His owner had him in a cat carrier box locked up all night and left on his own in a low-walled garden all day. I feel guilty shutting any of my bunnies into their generously-sized homes even for a few minutes...
  2. B

    What's your pets "pet name?"

    Snudge is bunyip, bunty or baby bun Thumper is tumpy tums, humper (:oops:) or floppit Our hamster Jamilius Fluffster (I swear I didn't name her!) just gets called baby or mini fluff
  3. B

    Bunny garden

    Thanks for all the suggestions :D. I've already got a few big flowerpots, a tunnel, a selection of boxes and some waterproof toys they like to play with (they're obsessed with a little football they found at the back of the garden at the minute). Here's hoping they enjoy it all!
  4. B

    Should he be grunting?

    Luckily I've had no spraying or arm-humping yet, he just insists on grooming me...
  5. B

    Should he be grunting?

    and here was me worrying he was upset... Guess I should just be honoured
  6. B

    Should he be grunting?

    He isn't neutered but he's due to be in the next week or two. Should I be worried in the meantime?
  7. B

    Should he be grunting?

    Recently, when he's been playing with people, his toys, or binkying, my bunny Snudge has started making occasional soft grunting sounds. He's not doing anything else out of the usual- he's just as affectionate as usual and there's nothing physically wrong with him. Any ideas?
  8. B

    Bunny garden

    Hi everyone! My house bunnies love playing in the garden so I've started to create a special play area for them (hopefully that should keep them out of my herb garden, but I'm not holding my breath...). The area I have fenced off is about 3x4 metres and mostly paved with a bit of grass and an...
  9. B

    Would attempting bonding be a good idea?

    I've taken in the new bunny and decided to keep them apart for the time being, especially as having checked our new guy (Thumper) over I think he needs neutering too... There was no way I was leaving him with the woman who is now my friend's ex-friend- she had him in a cat carry case and was...
  10. B

    Would attempting bonding be a good idea?

    Hi everyone, I was just wondering if anyone could give me an opinion on this: I've currently got a fairly young male bunny who I rescued after he was abandoned. He's been checked out by a vet and is healthy. We're planning to get him neutered when he's a tiny bit older and bigger as I'm...