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Search results

  1. Cormat


    my 5 year old rabbit has developed some behavioral issues! She was spayed at 10 weeks and since then gas been the perfect house rabbit. This past week she's started circling me, dropping poos ( she's perfectly litter trained) and keeps trying to hump me. This is really unusual behavior for her...
  2. Cormat

    Smelly Urine & odd behaviour ...

    Ok guys need your advice! My little bun's behaviour has changed pretty dramatically over the past few months. Always perfectly litter trained she now seems to have no control of where she goes, she pee's anywhere and drops little poos wherever she walks. More recently she's started humping...
  3. Cormat

    How much water?

    How much water does your rabbit drink on an average day?
  4. Cormat

    Rabbit pee & poo everywhere!

    My rabbit is 4 years old and she was spayed at 7 months old. She has always been perfectly litter trained and never done a drop outwith her tray. In January this year she had a knock to the head which caused her to lose her balance; she couldn't walk for a week and would eat/drink very little...