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Search results

  1. stoney1

    Escape bid=bond?

    Great, thanks everyone! I keep going out to check on them and they seem ok. Not cuddled up or anything but seem happy. Lola was grooming Pierre on his head which was sweet as she's a real 'licker'...I think she did then try to mount him but he just ran off! Not sure what to do about getting...
  2. stoney1

    Escape bid=bond?

    Thanks Bunshine, Lola was just licking his head which was sweet as I was worried she was avoiding him! Thanks for your advice re their bonding, it's been really helpful :wave:
  3. stoney1

    Escape bid=bond?

    Got home from work to find Pierre had bitten a hole in his run and squeezed through and has presumably spent all day with Lola.:shock: We were going to start bonding them this weekend. What should I do? No point in putting him in until I can do some repairs, they seem quite happy together, were...
  4. stoney1

    Bad Behaviour :(

    Get him done if you can, only one of Pierre's 'plums' had dropped and the other was growing in his abdomen. The vet said it might have turned cancerous in later life.
  5. stoney1

    Ready to start bonding in a week

    Cheers Linzi and Bunshine...your comments are really helpful and actually I'm beginning to relax about it already. Pierre escaped this morning while I was putting hay into his run:roll: but Lola was great and wasn't really that bothered, they had a bit of a sniff and that was it. They also had a...
  6. stoney1

    Ready to start bonding in a week

    They're going to be outside, Lola was outside most of last year and now can come outside when she likes. We got Pierre in December and he didn't have a winter coat so he's been mostly indoors. Lola was done in January so would think her hormones have settled but then I suppose it is Spring...
  7. stoney1

    Ready to start bonding in a week

    Anyone? Lola is still building nests in Pierre's cage when she goes in there. I feel like a bad mummy, she doesn't do this normally, am I upsetting her? Do you think I can put them in the new 6 ft cage when it arrives or bond them in either the NIC cubes or a smaller part of the new cage? Any...
  8. stoney1

    Ready to start bonding in a week

    I'm getting quite excited about Lola and Pierre being friends. Currently they are both in my garage, Pierre in Lola's old cage with a big square run attached, Lola has the rest of the garage so they can sniff each other through the mesh. (The door of the garage is open during the day so Lola has...
  9. stoney1

    Holiday boarding

    Thanks Sarah-Jane, we haven't booked anything yet but it's good to know of a place that's so highly recommended. (Plus you're just past my Mum in Boreham!) Have got all your details now too. :wave:
  10. stoney1

    Holiday boarding

    Thanks for your comments, it's really helpful to get a second opinion! Cheers x
  11. stoney1

    Holiday boarding

    I'm not sure if this is the right place for this but has anyone used Bunnyhopinn in Epping to board their buns? I know Starlights in Dagenham recommend a place near Maldon in Essex but this place is nearer and I wanted to minimise a long car journey. Obviously I wanted to keep them here(I've...
  12. stoney1

    painkillers after spay

    My Lola didn't get given meds but we took her back the next day as she was looking really sorry for herself and wasn't eating anything. they gave her an injection and gave us some special food to feed her with a syringe which was not easy to administer but she was fine after a few quiet days. I...
  13. stoney1

    When to bond

    when to bond Thanks for your replies, I will certainly keep them apart for a few more months then and until he's been done too. :)
  14. stoney1

    When to bond

    I've just had Lola spayed last weekend (which was quite traumatic enough!) and want to bond her with our new little boy who is only about three months old and hasn't been done yet as he's too young. She's nearly a year old. Can we start to bond them or should we wait until after we've had him...